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Space Export Sales Manager - W/M

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Contenu de l'offre Space Export Sales Manager - W/M chez Syrlinks

Published on Wednesday 21 October 2020

Location : Cesson-Sévigné

job in CDI

Job opening Dès que possible

About Syrlinks

Created in 2011, Syrlinks is specialized in embedded communication systems in the fields of space, defense, safety and time-frequency. Syrlinks designs and manufactures radio communication equipment that can be deployed in extreme environments and develops associated software solutions. Using classic components and then making them reliable is one of its specificities.

Syrlinks, a new horizon for your career!

Job description

Part of the Space Business Unit team, you are in charge of leading the sales of space products.

Your main missions will be the following:

Development of the customer portfolio in a specific geographical area: prospecting for new customersProposal, negotiation and contractualization of suitable commercial offers (feasibility, planning and costs) to existing customers and new international customers.Promotion of the company's products and solutions internationally.Participation in the structuring of the Product / Platform approach based on the identification of market trends and by precisely identifying the needs of key end customers.Identify and coordinate a relevant and segmented network of distributors in the target countries.Representation of the company during special events (conferences, exhibitions, …)

Required Profile

Having higher education degree in Digital Systems or in Electrical Engineering and Industrial Computing.

You will justify at least 8 years of experience in a similar international business development position, ideally gained in the electronics industry.

You have an appetence for technic and are able to understand the technical specifics of the products you sell.

You are recognized for your analytical skills and your proactive approach in a development context.

Rigorous and responsive, you have the ability to work in a team in a multisite context. Very good communication as well as a good level of autonomy are required.

You are able, in an identified area, to carry out several activities simultaneously with customer satisfaction as the objective.

Fluency in English is essential for this position.

Business trips in and outisde Europe are to be expected.

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