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Sales Director France & Belgium (TheFork)

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Contenu de l'offre Sales Director France & Belgium (TheFork) chez TripAdvisor

Sales Director France & Belgium (TheFork)

Welcome to TheFork! We're on mission to bring people together, feed the human spirit and champion restaurant culture because we strongly believe the best things in life happen around the table, and we want you to experience those unforgettable moments. ð½

Founded in 2007 and present in 12 countries, we are the leading restaurant booking platform across Europe and Australia, and offer the broadest community of diners access to thousands of incredible restaurants. How do we make this happen? Through our exceptional lineup of products:

ðTheFork App: our free restaurant discovery & booking app that helps you find your next table with ease

ð»TheFork Manager: our innovative software tool that digitises restaurant operations and helps restaurateurs manage their bookings and increase their revenue

ð³TheFork PAY and TheFork Gift Card: quick and easy ways to pay directly from TheFork app, making the payment process a piece of cake.

We have offices all over Europe, boasting a fully international team from all over the world. We are all foodies at heart, and work together in a flexible, multicultural and positive environment which provides everyone with space to grow, both professionally and personally.

Sales Director France & Belgium

The Fork is seeking a dynamic and results-driven Sales leader to cover France and Belgium markets. As a Sales Director, you will be responsible for leading TheFork Sales and Customer Success teams in France and Belgium, with the objectives of signing up the best restaurants in the countries and managing a portfolio of over 14,000 restaurant partners. This role requires a strong sales acumen and strategic thinking, as well as the ability to lead, develop, mentor, and coach a diverse and inclusive team. Your ultimate responsibility will be to maintain and expand our market leadership and solidify relationships with our restaurant partners.


Revenue Growth: Drive revenue growth in the French market through new sales acquisition, training, development, and retention of our restaurant base. Develop and implement commercial strategies in collaboration with the central team at HQ, aligned with the global company goals and adapted to the French market. Monitor performance using key metrics and provide regular reports to the General Manager and Global Sales Team.
Team Management: Lead, manage, and coach a team of 7 managers who oversee individual sales and customer success teams consisting of 50+ diverse individuals. Effectively handle team performance to ensure goals for the country are achieved. Foster an inclusive and positive work environment that motivates, inspires, and supports the professional growth of all team members.
Cross-Functional Collaboration: Provide guidance and facilitate cross-departmental coordination as the sales leadership voice for the market. Collaborate with key department heads including Sales Operations, Restaurant Industry, Product, Marketing, and Customer Care to ensure effective communication and alignment of sales efforts with other departments. This collaboration aims to meet customer needs and enhance overall customer experience.
Customer Relationship Management: Understand the requirements of our existing customers to ensure their needs are being met. Provide guidance and support to the customer success teams in delivering excellent service, fostering customer satisfaction, and identifying upselling opportunities. Represent The Fork in restaurant events and fairs to strengthen relationships with our partners.
Reporting and Representation: Develop and deliver accurate and relevant reporting to the General Manager and the Global Sales Team, providing insights and recommendations to drive business growth. Represent TheFork professionally and positively at restaurant events and fairs, showcasing our brand and fostering meaningful connections.
Travel: Approximately 20% travel is expected for this role, primarily within France and Belgium.

Required Qualifications:

10+ years of relevant experience as a sales manager/director, leading sales and business development teams.
Inclusive Leadership: Lead by example, fostering a work environment that is inclusive, diverse, and supportive of all team members. Motivate, inspire, and create a positive work culture.
Industry Experience: Experience in a fast-paced or tech organization is required, while restaurant industry experience is preferred.
Strong Sales Acumen: Demonstrated ability to achieve and exceed sales goals and manage key accounts. Prioritize and focus the team on achieving targets effectively.
Customer-Focused: High adaptability to change and ability to execute quickly. Able to pivot from long-term strategic thinking to immediate tactical responses, all while keeping the customer at the center.
Stakeholder Influence: Strong ability to influence stakeholders and drive adoption of new tools and processes to enhance sales performance and customer satisfaction.
Analytical Skills: Strong analytical skills with a data-driven decision-making mentality.
Financial Acumen: Excellent financial acumen including planning, cost control, managing budgets, and creating deals.
Communication Skills: Excellent written and oral communication skills to effectively engage with internal and external stakeholders.
Results-Oriented: Competitive, bold, and results-driven mindset to achieve business objectives.
Language Skills: Fluency in French and English is required.

What we offer you  

ð An awesome team (not everybody like our jokes, but we try our best) 

ð  A Permanent contract (that can be useful in life) 

️ Flexible working environment (2 days home office per week) 

ð Complementary time off to spend with your loved ones 

ð Competitive fixed salary, bonus and equity (yes, equity!) 

ð Lunch vouchers available for each working day (because yes, we like to try our best restaurants)  

ð International teams - More than 30 nationalities and 16 offices worldwide 

ð³️‍ð Highly inclusive working environment 

ð‍️ Lifestyle benefits that can be used to reimburse physical, leisure activities, family support, travel etc 

ð Continuous learning and development programs (with full access to LinkedIn Learning!) 

ð¶ Financial benefits in the events of a birth, adoption, pacs, or wedding  

ð Free access to the Calm app  

ð¡ Housing assistance plan to help find accommodations, or with repairs for your home 

ð 72% of health insurance fully covered by the company 

ð‍ð½ Life Insurance and Disability at no cost to the employee  

ð Amazing offices with dining, coffee point on each floor, and leisure area    

ð Team building events (we love karaoke. A lot. A lot.) 

We believe that we are better together, and at TheFork we welcome you for who you are.  Our workplace is for everyone, as is our people powered platform.  At TheFork, we want you to bring us your unique perspective and experiences, so we can collectively keep disrupting the restaurant industry and go from good to great. 


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Sales Director France & Belgium (TheFork)
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