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Pre-sales Manager / Ingénieur Avant-vente

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Contenu de l'offre Pre-sales Manager / Ingénieur Avant-vente chez Vulog

Nice (06) CDD, CDI

Join the team of one of the most successful mobility technology companies in the world!
Our solution powers the most innovative shared mobility projects across the world.

Vulog builds the technology solutions that power the most successful shared mobility businesses around the world. Free-floating, round-trip, peer-to-peer carsharing, ride-hailing, hybrid services or autonomous mobility pilots: all models are hitting the streets with our smart and flexible SaaS mobility solution.

Vulog provides the framework and business intelligence to get started within 3 months in full confidence. We act as the catalyst enabling mobility operators to focus on sustained growth and profitability. Our unique experience with dozens of customers around the world, combined with our Artificial Intelligence proficiency, enables us to anticipate end-user demand unlike any other, and to get mobility operators ready for the future business of shared self-driving cars.

Founded in 2006, Vulog is a pioneer of shared mobility. We are on a mission to foster green mobility and positive change for people, cities and our planet. Today, someone starts a trip powered by our technology every 2 seconds.

Our customers are worldwide and so is our team! We have a dozen nationalities represented and have offices in Paris, Nice, Canada, San Francisco and in Shanghai. DISCOVER VULOG

Job description

VULOG is seeking a technical and business value minded Presales Manager.

Responsible for providing assistance to the sales team and to propose technical solutions for the new business opportunities. You will join the Pre-sales Team and will work closely with the sales team and the technical teams.

Key Responsibilities:

Meetings with prospects to determine technical and business requirements and ensuring that all necessary information is collected prior to proposing a solution Prepare documents SOW, RFI, RFQ, RFPs in collaboration with the sales team Follow some Professional Service activities with our customers and partners (training on best practices, APIs, specific developments) Create and confidently deliver technical presentations internally and externally Product Demos to prospects and partners Deliver training on solutions and provide product support to prospect Understand our offer and the overall product content Understand the detailed technical specification Write presales product description documents in collaboration with the Marketing team Work with Product Management to feedback on issues with current products and provide input around new features

Preferred experience

You are an IT or engineering school graduate, with a strong technical background and 5 years’ minimum experience in a presales capacity. More importantly, beyond the technology, you are able to understand the business drivers and risks from your customers’ perspective. Full of energy, you naturally thrive within a fast paced, dynamic and innovative environment. Your ability to sell solutions to our customers, but also your professionalism and enthusiasm will guarantee your success in this role.

Dynamic, well organised and methodological with excellent communications skills, you are eager and capable of evolving in a start-up environment: autonomous, sense of initiative, problem-solver, ability to adapt in a difficult situation.

This is an international role and you will therefore need to be fluent in English and in French. This position is based in Nice with frequent travels to visit our international prospects and our Paris Office.

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Pre-sales Manager / Ingénieur Avant-vente
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