Offres d'emplois Comptabilité, gestion et finance

Product Compliance Specialist - Finance and E-invoicing

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Contenu de l'offre Product Compliance Specialist - Finance and E-invoicing chez Sage

Product Compliance Specialist - Finance and E-invoicing

Nom du poste à pourvoir
Product Compliance Specialist - Finance and E-invoicing

Description du poste
Sage has an ambition to be the trusted network for small and med-sized businesses – an integrated experience of digital and human connections. Sage will do this by focusing on doing the right thing, with 4 core values at the heart of our culture: bold, trust, human and simplified. Our purpose is to knock down barriers so that everyone can thrive, and this requires an evolution from being a provider of technology based solutions to delivering value and insight built upon a digital network of information.

Sage operates in many countries, and whilst business processes are often similar, regulatory requirements differ significantly. The Product Compliance Specialist needs to be the Subject Matter Expert (SME), building a strong relationship with regulatory authorities and local trade bodies, reviewing updates that may come from many sources and translating them into solution requirements, product configurations and/or thought leadership messages that can then be shared with the wider Sage community. The applicant must be able to read legislation in the language it is published in (Spanish and French for this roll) and communicate requirements in English (Sage’s corporate language)

The product manager will work closely with Product Managers, Product Marketing, Product Development, Sales teams, and resellers of Sage solutions to drive success.


Responsabilités principales
The successful application will need to demonstrate the following skills, know-how and experience:

• Translating the impact that legislation and changes with taxation have on the impacted Sage products and services

• Own + resolve product issues

• Study existing and emerging legislation with specific reference to eInvoicing, Payroll and HR statutory compliance and/or Accounting and define its appropriate application

• Document all research and analysis actions to ensure that future reference to these are possible

• Anticipate likely future changes to legislation and regulations which may have an impact on business requirements and system requirements as far as possible through research and analysis activities

• Ensure that the legislation knowledge base is up to date in order to assist internal departments to provide Consulting and training services to clients

• Assist the Training Department with training material is up to date with statutory information

• Ensure correct interpretation and implementation of statutory changes across systems

• Create documentation which will inform the business and clients of the applicable changes

• Verify business and systems requirements through proper research of legislative requirements

• Communicate a clear and compelling product vision and user experience

• Assist with the resolution of internal and external compliance queries

• Participate in activities which expand legislative and business knowledge

• Presentations to third parties where necessary

• Identify and lead on partnership and acquisition opportunities

• Subject expert and take full responsibility for compliance in the countries allocated

• Evangelize and advocate for Compliance solutions to be adopted across internal & external audience that place the customer at the heart of the value proposition

Key Skills and Experience

• Experience of cloud and/or financial services products

• Experience of listening, probing and interpreting needs of various stakeholders

• Demonstrable experience of conceptual and strategic thinking

• Strong understanding of revenue drivers and third-party commercial frameworks

• Multi-touch communication (From QA to analysts to the CEO to customers)

• Comfortable to operate in a matrix based organization and ambiguous mandate

• Previous FinTech experience

• Accounting, tax or similar professional qualification preferred

• Be able to work independently




Work Place type

Présentation de Sage
Nos collaborateurs rendent Sage exceptionnelle. En effet, nos collaborateurs parviennent à proposer des solutions révolutionnaires à nos clients qui les utilisent de manière optimale. Cet ensemble de collaborateurs nous aide à grandir depuis plus de trente ans et oriente notre avenir vers la dimension de grande entreprise SaaS. Nous écrivons notre prochain chapitre. Faites-en partie !

L'expérience nous a appris que lorsque nos clients prospèrent, nous prospérons. Nous partons toujours de ce dont les clients ont besoin. Nous sommes connectés avec les clients dans les bons moments… et les plus difficiles.

Nous avons la volonté d’innover continuellement afin que les clients puissent gérer au mieux la Finance, leurs opérations et leur personnel.

Chacun de nous construit la culture chez Sage - faire ce qui est juste et réussir ensemble, unis par notre engagement les uns envers les autres. Nous nous encourageons mutuellement à grandir et prendre une autre dimension dans nos rôles respectifs, dans nos carrières et en tant qu'individus.

Retrouvez et suivez-nous sur nos réseaux sociaux ci-dessous pour participer à des échanges sur les conseils de carrière, les opportunités de postes et les actualités de l’entreprise!

#lifeatsage #sagecareers. Si vous souhaitez obtenir de l'aide pour votre candidature (ou avez besoin d’informations complémentaires), veuillez nous contacter à pour obtenir de l'aide. Tous les candidats qualifiés seront soigneusement considérés et ne feront jamais l'objet de discrimination en raison de leur race, couleur, âge, religion, orientation sexuelle, identité de genre, origine nationale, handicap ou statut d'ancien combattant.

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Product Compliance Specialist - Finance and E-invoicing
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