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Contenu de l'offre Discovery Product Manager (H/F) chez AccorHotels

Looking for a new challenge in one of the most dynamic sectors of the web - e-tourism - and join a company in digital transformation?

The Digital Products & Innovation Division of Accorhotels is looking for a Discovery Product Manager.

The Discovery Product Manager is in charge of the global vision of digital solutions offered to B2C and B2B customers in the discovery experience on our e-commerce websites.

The Product Manager is responsible of discovery experience for the and the brand websites.

As part of the Product and Innovation Team, and reporting to the VP Digital Guest Product, the Discovery Product Manager is in charge of developing product roadmaps and executing it in order to create an inspiring digital experience for our guests.

On a day to day basis, the Product Manager carries the why, how, what and when of its product line.

To do this, she/he works closely with multiple stakeholders based both locally in France and all around the world to identify, clarify the needs and translate it into functional requirements.

She/He leads a team of Product Owners who create and tell inspirational stories through the execution of the product vision and based on evolving priorities. She/He works closely with the technical teams (back and front) to deploy efficiently and cost-effective world-class product.

The Product Manager is constantly listening to the market, identifying off the shelf solutions for quick implementation and benchmark her/his product line with competing solutions.
The Product Manager has a key coordinating role between the Business, IT, Support and Governance teams and must constantly ensure the proper alignment of the teams on her/his perimeter, but also in collaboration with the other Product managers of the department.

The Product Manager is responsible for the overall Web Direct Revenue of her/his product line and report regularly on KPIs.

She/He is responsible for the P&L of his product line. #LI-SB2018
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Discovery Product Manager (H/F)
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