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Product Manager (Disaster Recovery)

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Contenu de l'offre Product Manager (Disaster Recovery) chez Acronis

As Acronis is dedicated not just to Cyber Protection but to the general protection of its potential and current employees, recruitment and onboarding process are being held online during the current global COVID-19 situation.

Acronis leads the world in cyber protection - solving safety, accessibility, privacy, authenticity, and security (SAPAS) challenges with innovative backup, security, disaster recovery, and enterprise file sync and share solutions that run in hybrid cloud environments: on-premises, in the cloud, or at the edge. Enhanced by AI technologies and blockchain-based data authentication, Acronis protects all data, applications and systems in any environment, including physical, virtual, cloud, and mobile.

With dual headquarters in Switzerland and Singapore, Acronis protects the data of more than 5 million consumers and 500,000 businesses in over 150 countries and 20 languages.


Write feature descriptions and provide a detailed description of user stories Work with designers and manage the process of mockups preparation addressing developers and other stakeholders' feedback Work with R&D to guide development activities based on priorities, provide feedback on critical design choices based on user impact, and help steer the release process to ensure timely and high-quality deliverables Set relevant metrics to measure the success of the product and features Run beta and pilot programs with early-stage products Conduct training sessions for Sales Engineering and Support teams


3+ years of experience working as a Program Manager, Technical Product Manager, System Analytic, or in a similar for B2B product Technical proficiency with modern virtualization, storage, network and compute technologies Experience in collecting and documenting requirements, product specifications Strong analytical abilities and effective at using multiple data sources Software architecture background is a plus Ability to come up-to-speed quickly on a new technical domain Highly collaborative and comfortable executing in a cross-functional, matrix environment. Effective problem solving and strong negotiation skills Fluent English


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Product Manager (Disaster Recovery)
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