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Contenu de l'offre Product Manager, Digital Media chez Advestigo

Saint-Cloud (92)


As a member of our Marketing and Product team, you will represent Advestigo in its mission to protect intellectual property on digital content markets. You will work with publishers, distributors, content aggregators or portals, rights-holding companies and anti-piracy organizations, helping them to develop efficient anti-piracy policies and protect their digital content on web or peer-to-peer networks.

The candidate must stay up to date of the constant technical and legislative evolutions that impact our products. In his/her relationship with customers, problems must be detected, analyzed and the necessary technical or software solutions proposed. Must also be capable of distinguishing between major industry trends and minor ones.

Internally, the Digital Media Product Manager will present projects to the Product team, support their implementation by the Programs team and work on a daily basis with the Head of Development of the R&D department to anticipate and solve problems that call for arbitration. The position will require perfect knowledge and support of the technical and operational aspects of our product as well as the relevancy of its value proposition, the adequacy of our business model according to the market and eventual indirect distribution, competitive positioning or pricing strategies.

You have 5 years experience, 2 of which were spent in product management. You are capable of identifying needs, analyzing their specifications, positioning our product and contributing to the development of functional specifications. Knowledge of the media market is required, if possible enhanced by experience in the security industry. You are creative, open-minded, highly organized and perseverant. You are of a positive nature and you possess excellent relationship and teamwork skills. You enjoy challenges and have previously demonstrated your ability to work in a start-up atmosphere. Your profile is clearly international and you speak, write and understand English perfectly. Previous experience in an English-speaking environment is appreciated

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Product Manager, Digital Media
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