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Contenu de l'offre Global Service Product Manager chez AEG Power Solutions

Global Service Product Manager

The company

AEG Power Solutions is a worldwide leader in power supply and power conversion technologies for industrial and renewables applications. We design and provide our solutions to blue chip customers on large projects for power generation, infrastructures, nuclear, renewable energy and oil & gas processes. Our 800 employees operate in 15 countries with a strong European and Asian footprint.

Our company is considering fantastic opportunities to grow both organically and through acquisitions in our traditional sectors but also in adjacent technologies. We are specifically targeting the energy storage and green hydrogen applications with our truly unique capabilities. In order to evaluate these opportunities and design our growth strategy, the VP for Service is looking for a Global Service Product Manager who will work with him as a business partner.

Main Responsibilities:


o Monitor & understand the Service market.

o Organize the collect of customer feedbacks through surveys on market trending.

o Drive market sizing defining a model based through estimated business potential per equipment type & age leveraging Installed data.

o Benchmark competition.

New offering

o Manage & drive the Service R&D road map: collect region feedback, defines priorities & drive progress with R&D.

o Develop H2 & other new energy transition Service offerings leveraging BESS & ET teams.

o Repackage/rebrand current Procare solution to ensure it covers all offering, DC, AC, H2…

o Drive the remote monitoring R&D & deployment program.

o Develop a CUPS service model in coordination with CUPS & Light industrial PM.

Sales support

o Review / develop service collateral to improve value proposition (brochures, presentation, teasers in GCNF…)

o Develop Webinar materials on specific new offerings for each region to deploy

o Develop email campaign content for each region to deploy

Qualifications and Requirements:

Min 10 years of experience in UPS / critical energy business as sales or field.
Bachelor’s Degree in engineering for Electronics/Electricity or similar.
Strong Commercial mindset in conjunction with technical background.
Fluent in English.
Can be based anywhere in the country but willing to travel when is required.

What we offer:

We offer an excellent opportunity for professional development in a historic company, with an extraordinary brand recognition, market leadership and global presence. The location of the factory also provides a privileged working environment, as well as stable, flexible and highly competitive labor conditions.

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Global Service Product Manager
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