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Contenu de l'offre Product Manager - Phone Numbers chez Aircall

Paris (75) CDD, CDI

Aircall’s mission is to transform the business phone industry !
Aircall is an advanced cloud-based phone system, complete business phone and call center software in one single tool.

Our platform easily integrates with your favorite CRM, support, and SaaS tools, giving users all the context they need to close more deals and deliver superior service.
With no hidden fees and no hardware to manage, Aircall gets deployed and is operational in a matter of minutes.

By redefining the idea of a business phone operator, Aircall has convinced more than 3000 companies worldwide - including Uber, SpotAHome, TraverlBird. DÉCOUVRIR AIRCALL

Descriptif du poste

One of the key recipe of Aircall’s success is our capacity to interface with partners all around the world to setting up, maintaining and providing a reliable communications platform for our customers.

Through internal development or thanks to technology partners, your team is responsible for delivering any tooling and technical bits required for voice communications at scale. Scalability, reliability and system-wide expertise are team’s main focus in order to be able to operate this platform worldwide.

As a product manager for phone numbers, your role will enable Aircall and its customers to scale their business in as many countries as possible. From food delivery services to worldwide sales teams, business make every conversation count thanks to Aircall. Defining the strategy, creating compliance workflows, building our carrier’s stack… your work will affect our capacity to deliver best quality of service around the world for our customers.

Your mission at Aircall:

You will be responsible of making sure our customers can purchase and use Phone Numbers worldwide You will plan and anticipate business needs related to Phone Numbers for our whole customer base You will prepare and drive iterations on our product in order to deliver the best experience for our customers You will work with our closest partners in order to integrate their APIs and processes into our product You will build new components for our applications and dashboards deployed to 100k+ users You will be involved in daily operations (like sprint planning and product research) and have an impact on core Aircall’s business You will work with a dedicated and passionated team of engineers and other product managers

Profil recherché

A little about you

You have an experience as a product manager or solutions engineer You are comfortable with API products and documentations Your communication skills help you to drive teams into the right directions You are able to define specifications and acceptance levels for a product you own You’re a problem solver and proactive when you don’t understand something

Not required but it will help you to succeed faster

Having an experience in Cloud or Telecom industry Knowing product management concepts and agile environment Being autonomous and proactive in learning new things Being curious - especially on technical/engineering details

Déroulement des entretiens

1- Phone interview with our really cool Talent Acquisition team
2- On-site (or video) interview with our Awesome Product team
3- Use/Technical Case
4- In person debrief over your case @ Aircall
5- Lunch/Social Time with the team
Cpf final 4

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