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Global Product Manager (m/f/d) MDDR & EL

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Contenu de l'offre Global Product Manager (m/f/d) MDDR & EL chez Allianz

Global Product Manager (m/f/d) MDDR & EL

What you do

You will be responsible to develop global products for MDDR & EL business, while liaising with the Market Management and Sales teams, and reporting to the Head of Technical Product. Taking into consideration compliance and regulatory aspects, including different schemes for insurance and services business.

You will be responsible for:

Product Development

Inventory and harmonize the existing products
Develop, maintain and enhance additional regional products
Define the general conditions of the products
Analysing new business opportunities and deviations submitted, making recommendations and taking decisions fitting with the Lob strategy 

Follow-Up and Process Improvement

Contribute to improve the Product development process and  to reporting of the migration to the Total Simplicity products
Leading or participating to any relevant workshops referring to product development or upgrade
Steering and supporting all markets in their transformation
Developing all necessary database and reports to track and store product activities, markets portfolios, deviation
Defining with Marketing and Updating the Master Global Product roadmap

What you bring

University degree, in finance, business, economics, or related field
Strong experience in Product development, Actuary or Risk Management
Knowledge of conventional insurance products and wordings
Good Understanding of Operations and Distribiution
Passion for working with a lot of stakeholders in a global setting 
Fluency in English is mandatory

What we offer

Our employees play an integral part in our success as a business. We appreciate that each of our employees are unique and have unique needs, ambitions and we enjoy being a part of their journey.

We are there to empower and encourage you with your personal and professional development ensuring  that you take control by offering a large variety of courses and targeted development programs. All that in a global environment where international mobility and career progression are encouraged. Caring for your health and wellbeing is key priority for us. This is why we build Work Well programs to providing you with peace of mind and give the flexibility in planning and arranging for a better work-life balance.

23607 | Product Management | Professional | Non-Executive | Allianz Partners | Full-Time | Permanent

Allianz Group is one of the most trusted insurance and asset management companies in the world. Caring for our employees, their ambitions, dreams and challenges, is what makes us a unique employer. Together we can build an environment where everyone feels empowered and has the confidence to explore, to grow and to shape a better future for our customers and the world around us. 

We at Allianz believe in a diverse and inclusive workforce and are proud to be an equal opportunity employer.

We encourage you to bring your whole self to work, no matter where you are from, what you look like, who you love or what you believe in.

We therefore welcome applications regardless of ethnicity or cultural background, age, gender, nationality, religion, disability or sexual orientation.

Join us. Let's care for tomorrow.

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Global Product Manager (m/f/d) MDDR & EL
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