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Contenu de l'offre Online Product Manager chez Altran

The project and mission consists mainly of Product Management activities in an existing online travel platform, to manage select evolutions during this migration, and accompany its successful decommissioning.

The working language is English. The domain of knowledge is online travel. The product is web-based with a Graphical User Interface. The activities are Product Management. The key mission is to do selective enhancements in the existing travel platform, so as to secure and ease our client's migration to our preferred platform.

The mission will entail requirement definition, product feature measuring and definition. As well as customer analysis and segmentation, tracking and sharing feature progress, and managing deployments.

Vos responsabilités

The goals and task of this mission focus mainly on Product Management activities for an unidentified number of enhancements on an online booking tool:

Mandate watch Business need to Requirements mapping Requirement definition, documentation and prioritization (in collaboration with stakeholders) Functional requirement documentation and communication Ensure relevant and timely delivery of the enhancements, in close collaboration with key clients, development and implementation teams Ensure and facilitate hand-over of the functionality to the implementation teams following the first driver/pilot launch Support internal and external communication campaigns around deliverables in purview

For each product enhancement assigned

Business need to Requirements mapping (BRM) document: For each enhancement, the business needs associated to project need to be identified, documented and validated, with their associated priority/business value. The deliverable should follow our standard methodology. Statement of Requirements (SOR) document: For each enhancement, the requirements associated with each business need have to be identified, documented and mapped in a way that the link between the business need and requirements is clear. The Statement of Requirements should also identify the phasing of the deliverables (including the minimum viable solution). This deliverables should follow ourstandard methodology, and may need to include a Story Mapping. Functional diagram: For each enhancement, the different use-cases relevant to the feature-usage need to be identified, and a functional diagram must illustrate the expected behaviour of the feature. The deliverables should use a standard diagram notation (e.g. UML) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document: For each enhancement, a compilation of the most likely asked questions by future users, sales teams or collaborators should be put together and maintained until the project end. The purpose of this FAQ is to help explain the context of the product enhancement, as well as the specificities of our implementation. The deliverables will be a Word document using the FAQ/Q&A format, and composed of questions, answers, illustrations, references, diagrams –as needed to simplify the understanding of the information. User-Stories: For each enhancement being developed using a Scrum methodology, the Statement of Requirements will need to be drafted as user stories. The deliverable should follow the standard User Story format, with the Done Criteria composed in conjunction with the Product Definition and QA teams. Documented specification validation: For each enhancement, provide a validation of the Product Definitions’ specification. This validation should attest that the solution that will be developed actually addresses the requirement that has been identified. This validation must be supported by other stakeholders: implementation team validates their ability to implement the solution, driver clients and strategy teams validate that the solution will bring them value, QA validates that the specification allows them to write and test the feature, the User Experience team validates that the changes to the UI are in conformance with their principles, the head of Product Management validates the compatibility with the product’s strategy/philosophy, etc. The deliverable should be written agreement by the above teams to the specification. Client driver consultancy session: For each enhancement -to ensure alignment with the client/market context-, work-sessions must be carried out with clients and local experts. The nature of the work sessions will depend on the development phase but may include: discussion on requirements, solution validation, regular status sharing, documentation and research on customer needs and context. The deliverables will be per session, and depend on the nature of the session, but will include material to animate/manage the sessions, as well as the meeting minutes and action items. Upskilling session to stakeholder community: For each enhancement considered to have a wide impact, light upskilling and knowledge sharing sessions must be delivered with several teams across the organisation. The purpose is to ensure awareness across the organization. The number and timing of these sessions will be determined on a case-by-case basis. The deliverables will depend on the nature of the session PowerPoint material for WebEx sessions, but also documentation or diagrams for other exchanges. Hand-over session to implementation/service teams: For each enhancement, carry out hand-over sessions with the implementation and service teams. The objective is to ensure proper servicing of the feature. The deliverables will mainly include functional documentation on the product and troubleshooting material. Updated Product Documentation: For each enhancement, update and enrich the existing product documentation (product guide). The deliverables will be text in English, with peer validation on the accuracy of the content and readability. Proper tracking and knowledge management standards must be applied. Marketing and release documentation: For each enhancement, inputs and material for the marketing campaigns will be provided. The objective is to ensure proper deployment of the feature. The deliverables will be text in English, as well as work-sessions to build messages and validate material. Piloting and deployment sign-off: For each enhancement, follow-up activities will be carrried out to ensure proper deployment of the feature. This includes determining and sharing the status of the feature, the feedback from clients (g. prioritized list of issues or bugs reported), and follow up with the development and implementation teams to close all these items, provide a regular status on the progress to client and other stakeholders (to be identified), and finally provide input to the Product Responsible to determine the ‘Green-light’ for larger deployment.

Votre profil

Agile Product Management (IT) Travel Management Product Owner Project Management
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