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Contenu de l'offre Product Manager (H/F) chez Arturia

Under the general direction of the CEO and at the heart of the development of innovative, high quality and technically sophisticated musical products, you are in charge of building a new product line, integrating hardware and software.

As a Product Manager at Arturia, your responsibilities will include:

Conduct market research and competitive analysis to draw conclusions and recommend product features, as well as analyze strategic opportunities Dégager, dans le cadre de la stratégie de l'entreprise, une vision des produits à développer Define a clear vision of the products to be developed, in line with Arturia‘s strategy Define, validate and communicate the products’ specifications Refine the design, all along the creative chain, to ensure an efficient development Contribute to product launches with the Marketing team Ensure the product life cycle once the product is on the market, as well as their evolution, with multidisciplinary teams (Sales, Marketing, After-sales…) Contribute to product promotions, with the Sales and Marketing teams Coordinate these creations and launches with the other Product Managers

Who are we looking for:

You have a Bachelor’s / Master’s degree in marketing and/or engineering with 5+ years of Product Marketing experience in the music industry You have a passion for musical instruments, which you have developed an excellent knowledge of As a keyboardist, you know current musical trends with the ability to be “the client’s voice” within Arturia Curious, creative and passionate, you love to tackle new challenges and projects You have experience with entire product lifecycles (from concept to launch and end-of-life) for more than one product Strong analytics skills, you know how to get the data you need and transform it into insights Proven ability to deliver quality results while juggling multiple projects in a fast-paced environment Exceptional written and verbal communication skills across business and technical teams

LOCATION: 11 chemin de la Dhuy - 38240 Meylan, France (our Headquarters)

Want to join an international and dynamic company and passionate teams? Then send your resume and cover letter under reference PRODUCTMANAGER to:

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Product Manager (H/F)
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