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Contenu de l'offre Product Manager - Citilog chez Axis Communications

Paris (75)

About Citilog

Citilog is an entity of the Axis Communications Group, a market leader in networked video surveillance and an innovative group in the field of information technology (IT) with a global footprint (3,000 people in more than 50 countries) and strong growth (+15% in 2017).

Citilog is a leader in providing real-time video analytic solutions (Deep Learning and Machine Learning based) for monitoring and surveillance products to the transportation market that enable a smarter, safer journey for millions of drivers worldwide. We believe that each of our customers around the world deserves the best solutions and local support and services. This is the reason why Citilog has established a strong network of worldwide partners fully trained to design, install, configure and maintain our products and solutions.

Citilog is an innovative company of human size based in Arcueil (France) with subsidiaries in the United States (Philadelphia), Spain (Valencia) and Hong Kong and with projects in more than 60 countries. More information on

Join the Citilog team!

At Citilog we are pleased to welcome competent, motivated people with a strong team spirit who thrive in an international environment. As part of the Citilog team, you will work on the most innovative projects and play an important role in the future of intelligent transport.

Due to its growth, Citilog is looking for a Product Manager to strengthen its Products team.

What will you do here?

As part of the Innovation and Products Department, you are responsible for managing the life of innovative products and/or solutions, from their conception to their commercialization, in conjunction with the technical teams, marketing of Citilog and Axis Communications.

You will be particularly involved in smart city solutions.

Part of your role as Product Manager is to:

Analyze the market for the products and solutions you are responsible for Collect feedback from users and customers Define and design the product offer Participate in the definition of the Citilog roadmap and in collaboration with Axis. Manage the development of your products and solutions in interface with technical, marketing teams. Organize the training and support of our partners and customers

The Product Manager is required to travel regularly (1 to 2 times per quarter) to Lund in Sweden at Axis Communications headquarters and occasionally to any geographical area where Citilog markets its products and solutions. The number of trips can increase during the product/solution introduction phases.

The position is based in our brand-new office in Bagneux, (2 km from Paris Porte d’Orléans, RER Arcueil Cachan) offering services like cafeteria, gym center, conciergerie, parking...

Who are we looking for?

You have a degree in Engineering or Master 2 degree (computer science, telecoms, generalist), ideally accompanied by a postgraduate degree in marketing. You can use persuasion both internally and externally to promote your products and/or solutions. As an interface with all corporate and group services, your relationship skills are an asset. You are fluent in writing and speaking, both in English and in French. You have a sense of organization and coordination. You have a general knowledge of computing, programming and technical curiosity that allows you to be comfortable in a technical environment. You like new technologies and innovation. You are pragmatic and able to deal with difficulties. You have excellent computer skills.

We are resolutely international oriented: your multicultural and linguistic experience is a plus for us.

You are motivated by this project, please send a cover letter, CV

What is it like working with us?
Openness might be a buzz word in other companies, but at Axis and Citilog this is the core of who we are. Our most important asset is our ability to cooperate. We have realized that great ideas can come from anywhere. Therefore, we encourage everybody to contribute and innovate. If you are a person that likes to get involved and make a difference and nudge the world a little bit in the right direction, you will find a home with us.

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