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Software Development Engineer in Test - Quality core team

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Contenu de l'offre Software Development Engineer in Test - Quality core team chez Back Market

Software Development Engineer in Test - Quality core team

Back Market is the world’s leading refurbished electronics marketplace with a team of 700 people, powering operations in 17 countries (and counting!).
Named one of the World's Most Innovative Companies by Fast Company in 2019 and again in 2021, our mission is simple: empowering people to consume tech sustainably by offering folks a high quality, accessible, and more eco-friendly alternative to buying new electronics. Why? Refurbished tech helps lower our collective environmental impact. We have indeed contributed to avoid the production of more than 1,000,000 tons of CO2e worldwide since our launch in 2014.
Be part of an exciting and growing international adventure that will change the way the world consumes tech.
Our QA Team
As an SDET at Back Market, you will join our team of centralized QA experts with a primary focus on empowering product squads to be autonomous and accountable for their software quality. Your responsibilities will involve developing tooling and processes that facilitate this independence.
Working within our Quality Team and following agile methodologies, you will play a pivotal role in developing test automation frameworks that align with our company's architectural choices, including CI-CD, microservices, and event-driven architecture. You will actively contribute to the maintenance of our existing E2E Test Automation Framework using Playwright with Typescript.
Additionally, you will assist in setting up essential tools to run tests, providing the necessary testing environments and test data for product squads. By embracing the shift-leftprinciple, you will enhance the team's testing processes and improve quality guidelines, ultimately helping the squads elevate their quality and software testing practices. You will also establish dashboards and share quality metrics with stakeholders across the organization.
A key aspect of your role will be monitoring and optimizing the resources allocated for testing. This will involve analyzing execution data and resource usage to identify opportunities for cost reduction and increased efficiency.

What will you be doing?

Develop tools that make the engineering quality process better
Automate and remove repetitive and manual tasks
Provide KPIs and quality dashboard for a wide range of stakeholders
Analyze Quality metrics to improve Quality products.
Collaborate with the product squad to help improve Quality guidelines & testing processes in those team(s)
Work on top-notch tooling and frameworks (python, typescript, schema thesis Pact, Optics, playwright …)
Work on CI/CD and microservices testing strategy and tooling.
Communicate with a wide range of stakeholders (users, other technical teams, and management) to collect requirements, evaluate alternatives and develop processes and/or tools as needed to support the organization

What we are looking for

Prior experience as a SDET or similar role
Strong knowledge of test automation frameworks and tools
Familiarity with CI/CD and microservices testing
Proficiency in Python, Typescript, and other relevant technologies
Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills
Ability to collaborate effectively with cross-functional teams
Strong communication skills for interacting with users, technical teams, and management

Recruitment process:
1- Zoom call with Louis, our Tech Recruiter
2- Technical interviews with our QA team
3- Fit interview with your future manager and stakeholders
4- Back Market Values interview
- A meaningful job: you will help avoid thousands of tons of electronic waste and fight against planned obsolescence. It counts!
- A meaningful company: we became a mission-driven company in January 2022.
- Be part of a worldwide growing company based in Europe, the USA and Asia to face great challenges : you will have the freedom to innovate and adopt new ideas!
- Work alongside passionate experts:  who will share their knowledge and help you develop and grow in your career. 
- Grow your career: with a flexible career path and a dedicated Learning & Development team. Back Market will help you evolve with personalized internal trainings and external handpicked providers from day 1!
- Leadership Academy by Back Market:“be a coach not a dictator” is at the core of this program ! We train and enable all our leaders to support their team towards achieving goals. Be a manager at Back Market is an unique experience we take by heart.
- An attractive salary, equity and a host of benefits including : Lunch voucher, health insurance, relocation package, paid time off for activism in your community, parental benefits, flexible hours, etc…
- One Loving Tribe: you will have the opportunity to work in a fast-paced, open-minded and friendly environment. 
- Be part of one of our Employee Resource Groups createdaround shared identities, common backgrounds and/or special interests crafted to be a safe space and an expressive outlet. 
- Several internal events: The Monday Brief (weekly)/ The Somehands (monthly)/ The All Hands (annual).
- We’re here to SABOTAGE: It’s our mantra. It keeps us focused on what we aspire to be: a little bit sneaky, always smart, kinda frugal and constantly conspiring to create maximum impact.
Back Market is an Equal Opportunity Employer which means we pledge to not discriminate against employees based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability or genetic information.. If reasonable accommodations are needed for the interview process, please do not hesitate to discuss this with the Talent Acquisition Team.
Back Market is helping to address one of the biggest challenges of our time: climate change. We take this so seriously that we were awarded status as a “Société à Mission”, or company with a social mission, by the French government. We know we can’t tackle a global problem without a globally representative team so we are committed to embedding diversity, equity and inclusion principles in every aspect of our organization. But more importantly, being One Loving & Free Spirited Tribe is in our DNA as it is one of the five foundational values of our company since we got started way back in 2014. We are committed to hiring and supporting diverse teams of people from all backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. We know our lofty goals cannot be reached unless everyone has a seat at the table along with the resources and opportunity to grow.

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/ Hybrid
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Software Development Engineer in Test - Quality core team
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