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Contenu de l'offre Senior Product Manager chez Capsule Tech, Inc.


Votre mission chez Capsule Technologie :
The International Product Manager role is a key role in supporting our organization’s growing ambitions internationally. Therefore, this is a cross-functional role that works with each product manager, and other business groups, to provide input and align the features in the product portfolio with the needs of each market segment.
The International Product Manager provide also inputs into pricing strategies for each market segment, and collaborate with R&D, professional services, and logistics to ensure clear requirements for certification, sales, shipping and implementation in each market segment.
The role collaborate closely with marketing and sales to ensure we have the correct programs in place to support pipeline growth and execution of the product strategy.

Market Analysis – analyze the TAM & SAM for each geographic segment to ensure we have clear corporate alignment on the priority of which countries we target and why. (P&L)Competitive analysis – for each market we enter, or plan to enter, compile a clear competitive analysis for each product offering to ensure that we can successfullymarket/sell our products.International committee - be the surrogate for the entire product management team by having a clear understanding of market requirements, gaps and prioritization of features and functionality for each market we enter, or plan to enter. Market requirements will include working with the appropriate resources to understand industry trends, key legal, healthcare and/or privacy requirements for that market.Gap Analysis – for each market we enter, or plan to enter, maintain analysis that aligns our product portfolio with privacy, security, and regulatory requirements. Identify deviations from standard product design that would be necessary to satisfy any unique requirements. Make recommendations for market entry timeframe based on market analysis, competitive analysis, and gap analysis.Work closely with the sales and support organizations to ensure that we can successfully sell, connect and implement our solutions in each market.Pricing analysis – for each market and for each product compile pricing analysis to ensure products that are brought to market are priced to remain competitive with competing solutions while retaining margin.Voice for international market – participate in all product management meetings and strategy discussions to ensure the international market is included in all relevant product decisions and required features are included on the roadmap.Creates comprehensive business and use cases for new feature development with strong focus on customer and market inputs. Functions as a central resource for other teams, including engineering, professional services sales and marketing, as features move through the product lifecycle.This position requires travel to prospect, customer and healthcare IT partner sites globally.

Profil de candidat recherché :

4+ years Product Management or related work experience.Analytical Skills: the ability to collect information and identify fundamental patterns/trends in data. This includes the ability to gather, integrate, and interpret information from several sources.Building Trusting Relationships: the ability to build trusting, collaborative relationships and rapport with different types of people and businesses. This includes delivering on commitments and maintaining confidential information, as well as being approachable, showing interest in the other person, and relating well to people regardless of personality or background.Communication: the ability to convey information clearly and accurately, as well as choosing the most effective method of delivery (e.g., email, phone, face-to-face). This includes using a technically sound communication style both verbally and in writing.Creating the New and Different: the ability to be creative. This includes the ability to produce breakthrough ideas, being a visionary, managing innovation, seeing multiple futures, having broad interests and knowledge, and gaining support in order to translate new ideas into solutions. This also includes the ability to plan and implement unconventional ideas and speculate about alternative futures without all of the data.Decision-Making: the ability to make quick, accurate decisions. This includes the ability to weigh alternatives and take into account the impact of the decisions on people, equipment, or other resources.Getting Work Done: the ability to be organized, resourceful, and planful. This includes the ability to leverage multiple resources to get things done and lay out tasks in sufficient detail. This also includes the ability to get things done with fewer resources and in less time, work on multiple tasks at once without losing track, and foresee and plan around obstacles.Product Management: the ability to direct a comprehensive product strategy from product conception and definition through end of life. This includes the ability to function as a central resource with design, process, manufacturing, quality, test, marketing, and distribution as the product(s) and/or product line(s) move through their lifecycle.

Job Types: Full-time, Permanent

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