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Senior Product Manager, Data Integration

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Contenu de l'offre Senior Product Manager, Data Integration chez CapsuleTech

75013 Paris 13e The Sr. Product Manager, Data Integration role will be a key driver our organization’s growing ambitions to enhance how we integrate to existing and prospective leading healthcare organizations, develop and maintain a strategic roadmap to meet industry direction, develop pricing strategies for market segments and channels, and collaborate cross-functionally to ensure all product specifications are synergistic to other product roadmaps. The role will collaborate closely with marketing and sales to ensure the correct programs in place to support execution of the product strategy and sales pipeline growth.

Essentials Duties and Responsibilities

Product Ownership - Creates comprehensive business and use cases for new feature development with strong focus on customer and market inputs. Functions as a central resource for other teams, as features move through the product lifecycle, and provides inputs on competitive positioning for products. Works with technical teams to define, prioritize, and deliver the Product Roadmap. Develop and support pilot sites in their adoption of new features. Provide support and training for cross functional teams on evolving industry trends, product roadmap, and strategic positioning of new features. Methods - Be proficient and conversant in cloud deployment strategies (SaaS, PaaS, IaaS). Establish a strategy for each deployment method, define key success factors for expansion and integration. Standards - Be proficient and conversant in standards of the industry (HL7, IHE, etc.), as well as the medical devices we support. Establish a strategy for each standard and define key success factors for each standard. Marketing and Sales - Work closely with the marketing, sales and support organizations to communicate strategic positioning & roadmap strategy for new features & products. Develop success stories and customer testimonials for products. Work closely with technical sales to scope solutions based on new customer use cases.fine key success factors for each standard. Marketing and Sales - Work closely with the marketing, sales and support organizations to communicate strategic positioning & roadmap strategy for new features & products. Develop success stories and customer testimonials for products. Work closely with technical sales to scope solutions based on new customer use cases. Multiple years of experience in a product management role (or related experience in marketing, implementation, and sales). Strong product/project management skills. Multiple years of experience in a healthcare technology role. Experience in go-to-market product strategies across direct and partner channels. Problem solver with strong communication and cross-functional collaboration skills. Demonstrate an entrepreneurial spirit with focus on revenue-generating results and product innovation. Ability to work directly with customers; comfortable in a clinical healthcare environment. Must be able to travel 25 - 30% of the time, including international travel Bachelor's degree in Engineering, Information Systems, Computer Science, Business Management, or related field Certification in Pragmatic Marketing, or Product Management Professional (PMP), a plus
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Senior Product Manager, Data Integration
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