Offres d'emplois Conception & Gestion de Projet

Digital Media Project Manager - CDI H/F

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Contenu de l'offre Digital Media Project Manager - CDI H/F chez Cartier

Cartier recherche …
Number 1 worldwide in Jewellery and number 2 in prestige watchmaking, Cartier has combined expertise and excellence since 1847. Much more than just a company, Cartier has made its creations into legends, with teams of men and women who make their passion their career.

Cartier International is looking for a :

Digital Media Project Manager - CDI


Within the International Communication team, under the management of the Digital Media Manager, your main missions are :

Measurement & tools
- Support the Digital Media manager in building a learning agenda, define the KPI framework and frame the right tests across markets (cookieless tests, creative innovations, a/b test of placements & assets...).
- Animate Digital media community :.
- Gather and share best practices from markets across digital media channels (Social, Search, Display & Video).
- Upskill internal stakeholders at HQ and markets around our Data roadmap (audiences - POV on new ad tech solution...).
- Participate in the roll-out and market adoption of our Campaign monitoring dashboard.
- Ensure technical connexion for Markets and Agency (GA - Social Business Manager - Google Ads).

- Help building a performance strategy through the development of an offensive Search strategy & always-on programmatic/social buying.
- Oversee the performance of centralized search campaigns with the help of our agency.

Creative effectiveness / Partnerships
- Participate on Digital innovative projects with top partners (Google, Meta, Snap, TikTok, Teads, Mobkoi...).
- Support the Media & Digital team in organizing upskilling workshops with top partners for our creative teams.


You've had a previous mission or experience of minimum 3 years in digital marketing (Agency, Consulting firm or Advertiser) and have an interest for luxury sector in general.

You know how to work transversally and navigate in a complex environment.

You are organized, precise, rigorous, fast, agile and have excellent relational skill.

You are an expert in one or several digital media channel & platform (SEA - Social - Display - Programmatic...) and have an ability to adapt a technical speech to every audience.

You are at ease with numbers.

You are a real team player.

You are fluent in English (international team and environment).

Position based : Paris 8e
Cpf final 4

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Digital Media Project Manager - CDI H/F
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