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Security Product Manager - France / Paris

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Contenu de l'offre Security Product Manager - France / Paris chez CastSoftware

Security Product Manager - France / Paris

CAST is the market leader in Software Intelligence. Its unique technology thoroughly examines the structure of complex software systems, with MRI-like precision. It delivers accurate, actionable, and automated views of software architecture, critical flaws, quality grades, sizing metrics, open source usage, and cloud readiness levels. Hundreds of companies rely on CAST for greater objectivity in crucial business decisions, faster application modernization for Cloud, raising the quality and security of their custom software. CAST operates globally with offices in North America, Europe, India, China.

The CAST Software Intelligence Extraction (SIE) Team is hiring a new Security Product Manager to drive our security product capabilities to make CAST Application Intelligence Platform the best SAST solution on the market.

Part of the CAST Product Team (over 150 R&D engineers distributed between France and India) working on our Application Intelligence Platform, the SIE team is in charge of defining, developing and supporting all the engines extracting intelligence from application artifacts (source code, data structures, configuration … ). Today, leveraging more than 25 years of R&D, our CAST Application Intelligence Platform is the market reference for software understanding and validation.

Joining a team of 3 Product Managers, you will be responsible for driving product strategy, product roadmap, and go to market activities. You will work with our prioritize and assess work for our Feature Teams. Ultimately, you’ll help us roll-out products that deliver our company’s vision.


More than 5 years of experience in Product Management preferably responsible for security products
Experience with SAST (preferably) or DAST, IAST, RASP tooling/solutions
Security Standards (CWE, OWASP, NIST, STIG, …) have no secret for you
Experience with SDLC or DevSecOps or CI/CD Pipeline Quality Gate
Experience with Microservice design and architecture
Good understanding of Security issues like Injection, Misconfiguration, Cryptography best/bad practices
Optional but security of architecture would be very much appreciated
In essence, your background is probably software engineering with a strong commercial and customer-oriented focus, combined with solid technical education
You speak and read English and you are comfortable presenting and writing


Incorporate feature requests validated with the other Product Manager
Security rule specification and consistency across technologies
Promote and evangelize Marketing, Sales, Consulting teams on the security issues and the product capabilities
Work with different Feature Teams to groom and better prioritize backlog
Follow-up the Feature Team work by supporting the daily meetings and reviewing the pre-release demo
Ensure to regularly explain our product vision to the Feature Teams

If you enjoy working with almost everybody inside an international company of human size, if you love talking to customers to understand their needs and find the best ways to fulfill them, then join CAST to help drive the development of our industry-leading product.

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Security Product Manager - France / Paris
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