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Senior Product Manager, Data in Motion

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Contenu de l'offre Senior Product Manager, Data in Motion chez Cloudera

Paris (75)

Job Description:

Cloudera is looking for a product manager for the Data-In-Motion BU for the Cloudera DataFlow product suite focusing Cloudera Flow Management and Edge Management powered by technologies such as Apache NiFi and MiNiFi. This is a highly visible role that will have a lasting impact on the strategic direction of the company and customer success.

As product manager you will be responsible for all product lifecycle activities from vision to implementation, including customer development, product strategy and roadmap, coordination with engineering, marketing, business development, and substantial pre- and post-sales field engagement. You will serve as an internal and external expert on data collection, movement and processing from the edge across cloud environments to the customer data centers, and work directly with customers and field teams to grow the business.

You are empathetic, data-driven, and relentlessly focused on making your users more productive. Your experience with data collection, data movement and analytics on data in flight enables you to set a compelling vision for your product and ensure its success in the market.

At Cloudera you will work everyday with world-class customers, partners, technical field experts, and software engineers to define and advocate for the future of data collection and movement. We value thoughtfulness, a love of learning new things, creativity, diverse perspectives, and a sense of humor.


Product design - Functional analysis that identifies the best options for compelling, easy to use software

Engineering engagement - Close partnership with engineering to understand technical trade-offs and architecture in order to successfully influence product design

Focus - Constant prioritization across several competing objectives for optimal use of time and resources

Customer development - In-person and virtual interviews to understand users, priorities and design considerations

Product and market strategy - Researching market segments, assessing competitive differentiation, creating decision frameworks, formulating hypotheses and advocating direction

Launch and evangelism - Communicate product vision to press, analysts, and the wider big data ecosystem to create a strong tailwind for Sales; work with product marketing to create product demos and other technical sales tools; develop conference presentations and other collateral to highlight capabilities

Sales support - Enable our field and partners, and directly support key opportunities

Organizational leadership - Work with customers, support, and engineering teams to handle and resolve any critical customer issues that arise with our product

Whatever else is needed to help sell Cloudera products, delight our customers, support our field teams, and help the company grow

Skills and Qualifications:

You should be quite familiar with leading practices in data collection, data movement and analytics on data inflight.

Experience building enterprise data collection and streaming applications using technologies such as NiFi, MiNiFi, Kafka, Flink, and Spark is strong plus.

You have been a product manager, or another business oriented / customer facing technical role where you have delivered innovative products and nurtured their continued success

You understand what makes great enterprise platform software

You possess superlative written, verbal, and visual communication skills

The position will be based in Palo Alto or San Francisco, California or in the Metro Washington DC Area.

Ability to travel as required

Personal Characteristics:

Curious - Approaches problems with an open mind

Collegial - Partners well with peers in other functions

Compelling - Able to get teams to organize and fly in formation

Driven - Does whatever is needed to accomplish the mission without being told

Empathic - Understands diverse stakeholder perspectives and what will help them

Generous - Takes pleasure in the success of team members, shining in reflected light

Judicious - Constantly assesses the top priorities for the product and for their own time

Persistent - Can visualize what a win looks like and won’t accept anything less

Poised - Earns respect with executive audiences that may include Cloudera customers, investors, partners, or employees

Rigorous - Structured, framework-driven decision making that is clear and easy to follow

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Senior Product Manager, Data in Motion
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