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Contenu de l'offre Product Manager chez Clustree

Hello . I’m glad you chose to read this offer ! Let’s dive right in.
Clustree is a Career Coach that leverages Artificial Intelligence to detect employees’ skills and recommend internal job opportunities, training courses, mentors or career paths throughout their professional journey.
Our clients are large multinational companies that buy us to boost internal mobility, forecast skill needs and improve employee experience through a deeper understanding of their profiles.
We’re a 30 person company, based in Paris. We raised 11 M€, and have over 60k users over 15 countries.

Job Description

In a nutshell, you role is to build the right things, and build things right.

It implies:Product discovery:
Understand your users pain points and needs through research, partnering with the UX Designer, Customer Success and Sales. Analyze product usage to inform what we should do next and measure your impact. Product strategy:
Build and nurture your product vision with the Head of Product, based on the data you gathered (from users, clients, data analysis, competitors, your team, etc ...). Turn that into a strategy and a well-thought roadmap. Make sure that we’re building the right features and that your team and stakeholders embrace it. Spread the culture of impact & solving problems for your users Product delivery:
Work closely with Product Designers and engineers to come up with the best solution to address your users’ pain points with minimum effort. Turn your roadmap into a prioritized backlog of user stories and follow their development up to production. Orchestrate features rollout and communication with Marketing. Measure impact, iterate, rinse and repeat Requirements:
Here is what we are looking for:
You already have 1-5 years of experience in software product management. You are a product lover with deep understanding of how to create the best user experience. You are dynamic, curious and eager to learn. You are able to influence and partner with engineering, customer success, data science without formal authority. You have strong written and verbal communication skills. You have a lot of humility and good sense of humor. You are fluent in English and French. You have a very thought-out answer to the question “Beer or Wine?” Bonus points
You already worked for an Enterprise SaaS company You already worked with Data Scientist Benefits:
A change to help people find a job that suits them and advance their careers. The opportunity to work with a deeply AI-driven product, on cutting-edge tech. Features that get developed in a matter of days or weeks, not months. Joining an entrepreneurial adventure that is growing everyday faster. Nice offices in the center of Paris and a (very) pleasant work environment. A sport coach that comes kick your ass every Monday at lunch, with the brightest smile in Paris. Remote friendly culture. Now that you know everything, whether you’re convinced or curious, click on apply and let’s start talking.

All candidates data are processed by Clustree in order to manage your application. For more information and exercising your rights, please consult our Privacy Policy
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Product Manager
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