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Contenu de l'offre Test Engineer chez ConSol Partners

Test Engineer

Title: Test Engineer

Location: Strasbourg, France

Duration: Initial 6 month contract + extensions

Project Scope: 5 years

Job Type: Onsite


• Develop test strategies

• Develop test processes, procedures and documentation

• Develop test acceptance criteria

• Perform testing activities on technical products

• Report problems or failures leading to suggestions to improve or perfect the technical products

• Use/develop test tools and performs test automation activities

• Interact with project teams and other stakeholders in the framework of the tests organization and activities

• Contribute to the test processes, procedures and documentation

• Execute and manage testing activities on complex systems

• Report problems or failures leading to suggestions to improve or perfect the technical products

• Use test tools, performs and manages test automation activities

• Interact with several project teams and numerous stakeholders in the framework of the tests organization and activities

Education requirements:

• Minimum 3 years of relevant education (bachelor or equivalent) after the secondary school

Additional needed qualifications:

• ISTQB certificate

• ITIL/ITIL V3 foundations certification

• Database skills, mainly in Oracle and SQL Server

• Experience with WebLogic

• Good experience with different Operating Systems, with emphasis on Unix variants

• Good understanding of object oriented programming, J2EE architecture

• Knowledge of automated testing tools, like WinRunner, QTP, Rational Robot, etc.

• Must demonstrate an understanding of IP networking, protocols such as HTTP and HTTPS, firewalls, routers, etc.

• Proven ability to manage and prioritize multiple, diverse projects simultaneously

• Good knowledge of project management standards and techniques

• Good technical knowledge on the projects aspects

• Strong understanding of project management and support issues including managing risks issues quality and actions logs

• Solid understanding of testing practices

• Strong cross group collaboration abilities

• Knowledge of automated testing tools, like qTest, TOSCA, JMeter and JIRA etc

If this is something you are interested in, please apply or send over your CV to for further details.

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