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Module Product Manager Of Power Outputs H/F

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Contenu de l'offre Module Product Manager Of Power Outputs H/F chez Continental France

Continental France recherche …
Continental develops pioneering technologies and services for sustainable and connected mobility of people and their goods. Founded in 1871, the technology company offers safe, efficient, intelligent and affordable solutions for vehicles, machines, traffic and transportation. In 2021, Continental generated sales of €33.8 billion and currently employs more than 190, 000 people in 58 countries and markets. On October 8, 2021, the company celebrated its 150th anniversary.

The Automotive group sector comprises technologies for passive safety, brake, chassis, motion and motion control systems. Innovative solutions for assisted and automated driving, display and operating technologies, as well as audio and camera solutions for the vehicle interior, are also part of the portfolio, as is intelligent information and communication technology for the mobility services of fleet operators and commercial vehicle manufacturers. Comprehensive activities relating to connectivity technologies, vehicle electronics and high-performance computers round off the range of products and services.

The Module Product Manager of Power Outputs H/F has the responsibility of the following items :
- Work with interdisciplinary global teams to define Power Outputs requirements for sourcing
- Review, assess and benchmark Power Outputs concepts
- Market study (incl. technology trends), benchmarking and evaluation of solutions
- Support in concept phase / architecture definition for power distribution networks
- Support in generic sourcing's and component management topics
- Support Continental quotes and projects with regards to Power Outputs platform items and issues
- Interact with the HW Suppliers, Software-Teams, Quality Department and Customer Quotes and Project teams with regards to technical issues, hardware errata topics, PCNs/PTNs, component allocation items and field failure return analysis.
- Maintain Power Outputs platforms and modules
- Project integration support - reviews, troubleshooting
- Involvement in DTC / ReDTC and / or optimization activities (quality improvement / cost reduction)

- Electronic development experience including supplier management
- Knowledge in Power Outputs and silicon technologies
- Knowledge in automotive industry and automotive quality requirements (AECQ100, ISO16750, ISO7637)
- Basic knowledge in Safety design (ISO26262)
- Pro-active, self-motivated and well-organized team player
- Technical University degree (preferably in Power Electronics)
- Language : English at very good level
- Good communication skills with internal / external stakeholders
Cpf final 4

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