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Contenu de l'offre Junior Product Manager chez Coorpacademy

Paris (75)

Coorpacademy creates an innovative Learning Experience Platform centered on user engagement.

Our platforms are tailored to our clients’ needs. We update our product continuously, in a lean and agile manner centered on user feedback. Our aim is to provide an amazing “Learner Experience” through both premium content and impeccable UX. DISCOVER COORPACADEMY

Job description

At Coorpacademy, great Product Management is at the core of our values. In order to solve the right user problems, and in the right way, we are expanding and structuring our Product Team.

As a junior PM you will have the opportunity to work with a senior PM and gain significant experience. You will be in charge of identifying high level objectives for your product and follow its KPI.

As a PM at Coorpacademy, you will be responsible for the success of your product:

Talk with your users. A lot. Articulate their needs into clear product features and requirements that can be quantified. ✅ Define the metrics and KPIs used to measure adoption and performance of your product over time. Work and communicate closely with Product Designers, stakeholders, speaking the right language with each of them. ️

Preferred experience

Your Profile

You have at least one experience in Product Management. You have a passion for solving user problems, for discovering pain points and digging deep into potential solutions. Fast, results-oriented environments are your thing. You don’t mind getting your hands dirty, and you want to deliver the most value to your customers as fast as possible. You are a kickass organizer and prioritizer. You easily see what to cut and what to keep. You love wearing multiple hats: technical, design, UX, sales, marketing…You know these roles and how to talk with a specialist in any of them. Data is your daddy. You don’t celebrate features, you celebrate successes. Measuring and factoring in those learnings into future prioritization is your bread an butter. Oh, and we almost forgot!
You speak, read, and write English (and French) with ease.

You’ll be our rockstar if

You have experience building EdTech products. You can think big, taking a step back from the day to day delivery to think strategy. You can identify future disruptive opportunities, and you can make concrete plans for how to take advantage of them. You’re a great communicator. You realize that you’re not going to figure out all the solutions on your own. You can bring people together to find the best ideas and solve problems together.

Recruitment process

We want to be fast about recruiting for this role, but it is a key role in the company, so you’ll meet with our CTO on top of the two product interviews (one regular product interview and one case study).

Meet the Coorpacademy team


Junior Product Manager

Permanent contract Starting date: February 14, 2019 Paris Master's Degree > 1 year

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Junior Product Manager
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