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Contenu de l'offre Product Manager, App, Product chez Criteo

Paris (75) Who we are At Criteo, we connect 1.5 billion active shoppers with the things they need and love. Our technology takes an algorithmic approach to predict what user we show an ad to, when, and for what products. Our dataset is about 50 petabytes in Hadoop (more than 120 TB extra per day) and we take less than 10ms to respond to an ad request. This is truly big data and machine learning without the buzzwords. If scale and complexity excite you, join us.
Why work with us? We are innovative, passionate about big data, fearless, creative, data driven, and adaptable. We have a spontaneous and vibrant culture, and we truly believe in team spirit and collaboration. After gaining a commanding position in Display Retargeting, Criteo is expanding its product line and building a full Commerce Marketing Platform. To sustain this effort, we are investing in several promising product lines and we need your help to build them. Mission: As part of our Product Team, you will be responsible for driving critical pieces of the App Advertising vision for Criteo. You will leverage unique assets such as an amazing display network and world class infrastructure. You will integrate an excellent team of product managers, partnering with world class engineering teams, working with a strong executive mandate to execute an ambitious transformation.
More specifically: As a technical Product Manager you will be responsible for defining and delivering critical pieces of our App Advertising Roadmap (e.g. integrations with Mobile Partners and Criteo SDK, campaign configuration, reporting), either as it pertains app retargeting, app engagement or app install products You will have to drive alignment with internal clients (other Product Managers, Technical Solutions Engineers) You will have to work closely with several R&D Teams and become very knowledgeable about our technical implementation You will have to acquire a deep understanding of our clients objectives : o You will have to understand what drives the performance by extracting insights from our huge and extremely rich data warehouse o You will deep dive on the drivers of customer satisfaction through face to face interviews and other qualitative feedback mechanisms o You will develop a deep understanding of reporting and attribution tools available to our customer and best integration plans Profile: The successful candidate will be able to demonstrate 4+ years of experience in one of the following roles: o a product/ technical program manager with experience in app o an analytical position or developer (mathematics / finance / consulting) o a consultant in app marketing technology company, working at a strategic level with customers ideally with product/project management responsibilities The skillset we would particularly appreciate: You can negotiate and influence within a complex organization to achieve your goals You have strong communication and presentation skills You are very pragmatic and like pushing your ideas end to end You are versatile and dynamic You have a real interest in technology and driving technical projects You like working in fast-paced environments You are Fluent in English
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