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Contenu de l'offre Staff Test Engineer chez Crocus Technology

Headquartered in Silicon Valley, with an office in Grenoble, France, Crocus Technology Inc. (Crocus) is a privately-held company known for magnetic sensors and embedded memory solutions based on its patented TMR sensor technology, the Magnetic Logic Unit™ (MLU™).

We are seeking a Staff Test Engineer, reporting to the Senior Director, Product and Test Engineering.

General Job Description:

Responsible for developing new test programs for new and current products and maintain the existing test programs for Sensors & Controller products. Also driving yield enhancement, test time reduction and quality improvement programs. This position will require extensive experience and knowledge in test platform development utilizing Prober and ATE platforms and test algorithm development. Will require close co-operation with Design/ Application and product engineers to ensure that the test platform will meet current and future production test requirements. Individual must be able to clearly articulate his/her ideas and manage a project. Some travel may be required.

Complex Tasks:

Develop Test Programs for Wafer Sort, Final Test, and Characterization. Validation/Char on Magnetic Sensor and Controller products Will develop and utilize Nextest Magnum/ASL/J750/Eagle/Chromo Test Platform as well as other miscellaneous tools in the execution of your job such as:
Logic Analyzers, Oscilloscope, Auto Wafer Prober, Manual Wafer Prober, and Handlers.

Management/Organizational Skills:

Must be able to manage/drive complex technical issues with Design Team, Application team, Technology Team, tools/systems, and applications Must have the organizational skills to consistently meet schedule requirements and commitments

Team and People Skills:

Able to work effectively with cross-functional teams across geographical boundaries Able to clearly communicate functional needs to Program Management / Marketing, Design Engineering, and the Technology Group to be able to develop the test software and hardware to the specifications and requirements established for each product Understand specific roles within the team and maintain both personal focus and group vision

Projects and deliverables:

Deliverables for each project include but are not limited to:

Validation and characterization plan Hardware plan that encompasses probe card, load board, burn-in board and device qualification Deliver fully functional robust hardware for the items above Deliver wafer sort, final test, reliability, quality and characterization programs

Basic Qualifications:

Circuit knowledge of various analog and digital blocks is a must, in particular, experience with magnetic sensor and controller products. Experience in planning and execution of complex projects to critical deadlines. Must possess good written and verbal communication skills.

Job Requirements:

Minimum BSEE, preferred MSEE with 5 to 10 years’ experience. Wafer sort, final test & characterization program development and hardware development experience. Strong technical knowledge of electronic devices. Data analysis skills. Experienced with various lab equipment such as scopes, power supplies, signal generator, etc. Ability to interpret an extensive variety of technical instructions in mathematical or diagram form and deal with several abstract and concrete variables. In-depth understanding of the test processes and equipment to reduce the time spent performing engineering tasks. Ability to effectively interface with other departments to obtain, verify, or provide information.


Please submit CV/resume to Satish Bansal
Cpf final 4

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