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Contenu de l'offre Product Owner chez Csn Energy

Description du poste
CSN Energy ( is a start-up specializing in the development of a Software as a Service (SaaS) platform called WeDeex. This platform is intended for energy suppliers and allows them to conduct their activity by meeting their current needs (supply, invoicing, etc.). CSN Energy is also preparing for the future by anticipating customer innovations (solar self-consumption, energy storage, new business models, etc.). Joining CSN Energy’s team as PO, you’d have the following missions and responsibilities: As a Wedeex Product Owner, you will lead the product functional design of your commodity/module based on an intimate knowledge of Wedeex customers and technology. Our solution currently addresses both upstream (supply strategies, risks monitoring, balancing etc.) and downstream needs (contracts management, billing etc.), for natural gas and power. In this context, you will identify customer needs on your segment, understand what brings business value and work with cross-functional teams in order to create a product that fits the company portfolio. You will deliver a product not just according to users, but the product that will help make our company vision reality. Main responsibilities: Develop and execute the product roadmap of your module. Collaborate with customers to co-develop features. Assess value and prioritize features to ensure work focuses on those with a maximum value that are aligned with product strategy. Translate product roadmap features into well-defined product requirements including epics, user stories and acceptance test criteria. Maintain a prioritized backlog of user stories for implementation. Solve product related problems, make decisions to stay on track towards business deliverable commitments. Work in an Agile environment and continuously review the business needs, refine priorities and deliverables. Collaborate with other product owners across the organization to make sure everyone is aligned on features and prioritization. Act as an ambassador for the product internally as the primary contact for queries related to your area of the product. Support sales teams in pre-sale technical and go-to-market discussions Your profile: 3 years of experience in B2B and/or SaaS and/or API product management as a PO. Experience with Agile development practices Experience managing both onsite and remote development teams Ability to work with cross-functional teams to deliver on a common goal Ability to communicate with stakeholders on future value and past execution Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills when determining how to best solve challenges Excellent written and verbal communications skills to communicate new product developments Desire to work in a fast-paced in environment Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree in Marketing or Technical field. A relevant experience in the field of energy is a plus Why join us ? You’ll find a dynamic environment: we build each day with the skills of each one. You will be involved in the company’s development. You’ll take part in a challenging and a meaningful project: building a solution in the fast changing industry of energy supplier. You’ll join a start-up : working in a team, with friendly and passionate colleagues.
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Product Owner
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