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Product Manager, Player Ads (H/F)

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Contenu de l'offre Product Manager, Player Ads (H/F) chez Dailymotion

Job Description

Dailymotion is hiring a Product Manager Player Ads to be responsible for driving product roadmap, planning, design and execution for a broad swath of initiatives.

You will be the voice of the ongoing business for the whole Dailymotion Squad (Sales, Player, Data, User Product…):

Working closely with stakeholders (customers, developers, project managers, BI, Sales, UX/UI) to collect technical and business needs Be a strategic thinker who can bring insights from the market into our discussions. Define & create advertising product priorities and define roadmaps for the Ads Player Squad Driving the product vision: collaboratively defining the product roadmap, data driven KPIs, and objectives Building a comprehensive set of Product Technical Specs, and working with our engineering team to translate this into a real product Adjusting and splitting sprint planning stories depending on technical constraints

You have at least 2-3 years’ experience in product management, ideally you have a deep understanding of the online advertising industry and ad platforms (networks, DSPs, ATDs, SSPs, Exchanges).

You have the ability to balance the need of the customer while maintaining corporate objectives.

You are familiar with technical problems who complicates the product strategy and a roadmap

You have some technical knowledge of HTML, Javascript and other programming languages widely used in the ad-tech industry

You are a self-starter with a tremendous amount of leadership who gets things done in time

And you are able to work with internal and external customers to find solutions to challenges they face.

A team player who has a entrepreneurship spirit

Methods & Tools

Experience working with JIRA (or a similar management project tool)

Experience with agile development methodologies

You are fluent in English

Additional Information

Cpf final 4

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Product Manager, Player Ads (H/F)
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