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D&A Product Owner Data Lakehouse H/F

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Contenu de l'offre D&A Product Owner Data Lakehouse H/F chez Danone

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About us

At Danone, we guarantee that you can simply BE yourself. We believe that IT's up to you to define the way you work, to develop yourself, to progress. With us, you'll work in an exciting, complex and challenging environment. This is how you will create new opportunities !
You will work with world-renowned brands such as Blédina, Evian or Actimel. BE innovative, enterprising and the impact you will have will impress you.
Join our movement for a more sustainable world. One Planet One Health BY YOU.

Information management context is moving fast and Danone adapts its Data Strategy in order to become a Data enabled Company. In this context we delivered a first version of our Data & Analytics cloud platform (OneSource) and we need now to scale IT.
The Product Owner Data Lakehouse will BE part of the Data Lakehouse team in the Global Data & Analytics organization. The mission of the Data Lakehouse team is to foster usage of data at Danone by compliantly ingesting and exposing needed Data Sources into OneSource platform. Data Lakehouse team provides its services for Global and Local IT & Data teams to support their business needs.
Missions :
The role of the Product Owner is to provide data integration (ingestion/process/exposition) services to ensure global consistency in the Data Lakehouse management and sharing across Global and Local platforms :

Team management
- Manage/follow the team budget (project and support)
- Follow capacity planning (project use vs team capacity) & Long term resource planning
- Team collaboration & Initiate improvement actions within team
Data Lakehouse strategy and vision
- Define overall Data Lakehouse product objective and vision
- Data Lakehouse team strategy & governance strategy
Cross squad animation
- Roadmaps alignment across squads - global directions - Scope, Priorities, Global planning
- Redistribution of topics/work across squad & squads planning and review
Manage relation with stakeholders/customers (global + local)
- Manage stakeholder map
- Communication with stakeholders and creating working partnership
- Collect/understand requirements and manage expectations
- Propagate overall Data Lakehouse goals and vision to stakeholders
- Share roadmap with stakeholders and collaborate on IT
- Quarterly Data Lakehouse assembly with stakeholders
Data Lakehouse Product promotion and marketing
- Propagate overall CDS goals and vision
- Communicate on squads' achievements /value provided & on roadmap
- Data Lakehouse Awareness/promotion across company
Data Lakehouse Improvement actions
- Unify squads (plan, knowledge sharing, collaboration...) & cross squad continuous improvements cycle (based on retro, demo, lessons learned, postmortem...)
Data Lakehouse Support model & platform stability
- Data Lakehouse support organization & set accountability mindset & Support escalations
Cpf final 4

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D&A Product Owner Data Lakehouse H/F
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