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Contenu de l'offre Product Owner H/F chez Devialet

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Who are they?
Devialet is an acoustical engineering company operating at the intersection of luxury and high technology.

Headquartered in Paris, Devialet is on a mission to redefine the place of sound in people's lives by delivering meaningful audio experiences. By coupling unrivaled sound quality with a sleek and modern design, Devialet's world-class engineers set a high standard for innovation and push the boundaries of what can BE achieved with audio engineering.

Its expansion began with ADH®, a revolutionary patented invention that would forever change high-end amplifiers. This hybrid technology seamlessly blends digital and analog to produce sound quality unlike anything previously experienced.

Headquartered in Paris, Devialet is on a mission to elevate sound to its rightful place in people's life, innovating across acoustics and purposeful design. Our expansion began with ADH®, a revolutionary patented invention that would forever change high-end amplifiers. This hybrid technology seamlessly blends digital and analog to produce sound quality unlike anything previously experienced.

At Devialet, each day is more electric than the last. That's what IT means to BE part of an incredible adventure with highly skilled, highly engaged, creative talents. Our engineers, designers, sales, marketing, manufacturing and operations teams are obsessively dedicated to inventing tomorrow so we can carry on delivering incomparable emotion to as many people as possible.

We are looking for talented women and men who want to support our projects and values. The revolution of high end audio can BE yours as well.

Ready to join us ?

Your missions will BE :
- Make sure the product specifications are well understood and used by the engineering teams (embedded software engineers, app developers, QA engineers)
- Specify future products and software features by owning the Product Requirements Documents (PRD) which will BE used as a reference for all the teams involved throughout the development process (R&D, Project Management, Design, Product Marketing, UX/UI)
- Build and own the PRDs
- Lead and align key stakeholders around PRD discussions throughout all the development phases
- Improve workflows between UX/UI, developers and product marketing regarding the companion app definition and development
- Analyze competitors products features, UX and UI to feed PRDs discussions
- Take part in the product UX covering product setup, connection, update, buttons/LEDs placement, sound design, backward compatibility, unboxing experience, competitors product analysis, and more
- Manage Change requests for products which are already released
- Analyze usage data based on available analytics tools to feed brainstorming and prioritization

Products in the scope : speakers, accessories, limited/special edition speakers, software features, and more.

NB : Due to the nature of our products (many dependencies with embedded software), the methodology is much closer to Waterfall than Scrum

PROFILE- At least 1 successful PO experience in a prior position
- 2 to 3 years of Product Owner experience working on products that combine embedded software and apps
- Background : Bac +5 engineering school or business school
- Strong knowledge of latest mobile trends for both Android and iOS
- A previous experience working on apps for connected products (embedded software) is a great plus
- You speak English & French
- Knowledge in audio is a plus
- Tools : JIRA, Lokalize, Figma
Cpf final 4

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