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Product Manager - Sales & Marketing Performance

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Contenu de l'offre Product Manager - Sales & Marketing Performance chez Doctolib

Doctolib is facing fast and exponential growth, and with it comes the challenge to efficiently attract and engage at scale with the right target audiences. With more than 150 000 customers in France, Germany and Italy, and 120 million monthly visits on our patient portal, Doctolib wishes to scale how our Sales and Marketing teams communicate, engage and deliver value to those users.

Those challenges span across 3 streams/segments: Prospects, Clients and Patients each presenting unique needs to address. Our goal is to promote our unique value proposition and deliver growth among those segments by understanding and addressing their pain points.

We are looking for strong and passionate Product Managers who will work closely with our sales and marketing teams, and alongside a talented team of engineers, to 1) build best of breed solutions to address our users' pain points and 2) deliver against our mission and 3) ensure seamless access to healthcare.

What you will do

Define and build the product strategy and advocate for it internally and externally to ensure prioritization; Develop a deep understanding of our customers and prospects to understand their pains, challenges and needs; Build functional specifications with the support of user researchers, designers and data analysts. Monitor the execution of the roadmap and establish key product management processes; Coordinate the product developments with different teams (tech, sales, marketing, key accounts, PR, legal) in an agile development environment to launch new features and experiences; Define, collect and measure key product metrics to inform success/failure of each feature release, and plan enhancements accordingly; Inspire patients and doctors by consistently raising the bar on how to improve their daily processes; Contribute to the global growth of the product team by engaging in knowledge sharing, mentorship, recruiting activities, and creating new processes to help us adapt as we scale.

Your skills

You could be our next team mate if:

You graduated from an Engineering School or Business school with relevant experience in product management; You have at least 4 years of Product Management experience with direct product ownership; You have an entrepreneurial mindset, and are not afraid of rolling up your sleeves You enjoy working on cross-functional projects, and bring people of different expertises together (Marketing, Product, Design, Tech, Sales, Data, etc) to deliver best-in-class solutions; You are customer-centric and willing to be close to the field; You have a strong product sense and mindset, and an intermediate understanding of tech; You have a strong analytical mindset, making strategic product decisions grounded in data; You have excellent communication skills, with the ability to articulate both verbally and in writing a compelling vision; You are used to working in an international environment and able to think global / act local; You recognize yourself in our SCALES values (Service, Care, Act, Learn, Enjoy, Structure); You are fluent in English; An understanding of the healthcare industry and a good vision of the future of healthcare is a plus.

More about the position

Permanent position Full Time Nantes Start date: As soon as possible

About Doctolib

Founded in 2013, Doctolib is the fastest growing and one of the leading e-health services in Europe.

We provide healthcare professionals with a software solution with a full range of services to help improve the efficiency of their operations, provide their patients with a more seamless experience, attract new patients, and collaborate with other practitioners.

We provide patients with a more transparent access to healthcare and a full suite of online services to manage their health: from finding nearby healthcare professionals, to booking/managing appointments 24/7 online, having remote medical consultations via video and receiving a digital prescription in their online account.

Doctolib is also a group of passionate entrepreneurs who are transforming the healthcare industry and this means sharing the SCALES values.

At Doctolib, we don't just accept diversity, we respect and celebrate it! We're proudly committed to equal employment opportunities regardless of your gender, religion, age, sexual orientation, ethnicity, disability or place of origin. We take care of each other and are grateful for each Doctoliber's contribution to our mission!

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