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Contenu de l'offre Product manager intern chez Drivy

Paris (75) Stage We believe in a world where all cars are shared. Carsharing empowers people to get going in a smarter, easier way, while also having a positive impact on the environment and making cities more liveable. It’s this vision that propels us forward and inspires us to think even bigger. Getaround is the world's leading carsharing platform with a community of more than 5 million users sharing thousands of car in more than 300 cities in the U.S and Europe. Our team is collaborative, positive, curious, and engaged. We think fast, work smart, laugh often, and are looking for like-minded people to join us in our mission to disrupt car ownership and make cities better. All product people at Getaround share the same goal: providing an outstanding experience to their users. At Getaround, this is not only achieved by creating the sleekest product possible ; we are also inventing new mobility use cases and reshaping the car-sharing industry as we go along.

Your mission

You will join our Bookings squad whose mission is to acquire renters and help them find and book the car they want

What you'll work on

You’ll be responsible for an entire subset of the driver experience, driven by key indicators of the registration and booking flow. As a Product Owner, your scope will range from problem discovery to roadmap creation to solution design to execution. Here a few examples of topics you will probably work on: Signup: enabling drivers to sign up on Getaround in a quick way, and adapting this experience to local authentication methods. Profile creation: guiding new users in their profile completion, making sure there’s no friction in the flow and that every interaction is efficient and that subsequent Vetting: as most of our drivers are required to have a verified profile to access cars, we want to make the profile verification process as easy and as quick as possible, but also extremely reliable so that we can prevent fraud. You’ll have to optimise the UX of this flow for a wide range of conditions (depending on drivers’ nationality and documents) and will work closely with other departments (Risk, User Assistance). And other growth initiatives like AB-testing experimentations

Who you'll work with

You will be part of the Bookings squad, working closely with 3 backend/full-stack engineers, 2 mobile developers, 1 product designer, 1 data analyst and other departments (Marketing, Risk Management, Customer Service) You will report to Guillaume Bruère, Senior Product Manager for the Bookings squad

What you’ll bring to the table

Analytical and problem-solver Quick learner that finds enjoyment in learning new skills Great oral and written communication skills (French & English)

What we offer

We are a fast growing startup with our HQ in San Francisco and European offices in Paris, Berlin, Barcelona and London. We offer one of the most dynamic and diverse company cultures in town, and give every employee the opportunity to grow and the power to define their impact.
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