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Contenu de l'offre Senior Product Manager H/F chez EcoVadis

EcoVadis recherche …
What is our mission at CyberVadis? To provide enterprises with a cost-effective and scalable SaaS solution for managing third-party cybersecurity risk.

We are an ambitious, agile and international team located all around the world in 10 countries. Bootstrapped by EcoVadis (the world's most trusted provider of business sustainability ratings) in 2016, we have a solid foundation and the expertise to BE a global leader in our space.

We believe that people do their best work when they're given the freedom to thrive and grow. Thinking big, bringing a positive attitude, and taking full ownership are three characteristics that thread our team together.

Work hard, have fun and make a difference : Come join us !

We are looking for an experienced and talented Product Manager to help us create the best product for our clients and fuel our expansion. In this role, you will report to the Head of Product (15 years of professional experience) and join a nascent product team (1 PM and 1 UX in Poland).

3 reasons to believe in us :
- Our product team is growing. You will have plenty of opportunities to take initiatives, have impact and grow
- Our product is complex as IT addresses multiple customer types and personas. We are about to build our data stack. We have strong leaders. You will have lots of opportunities to develop your skills
- We already have a strong and loyal customer base and our business model is solid. You will BE able to think big and long term

In this role you will :
- Own an area of the product including roadmap, discovery and delivery
- Contribute to the overall product strategy
- Contribute to the product management processes
- Speak with all stakeholders and customers
- Collect insights from data, customers and internal teams

- 3+ years product management experience in an agile B2B SaaS environment
- You are a doer : you remain close to your team and as a generalist, you adapt and GO deep when needed
- You have a considered, detailed approach to written and oral communication : you can speak equally with customers, business stakeholders and developers
- You are a leader : you promote initiatives and ownership. You lead by example when IT comes to getting things done, solving problems and representing our customers and prospects. You are willing to fight for your team's objective
- You are passionate to learn about the latest web/SaaS tools and trends
- You have experience in designing engaging user experiences
- You know how to collect data & insights using analytics tools (ex : Amplitude, Metabase, SQL)
- French and English proficiency : you can interview our clients in France and around the world
- Relevant university degree
Cpf final 4

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Senior Product Manager H/F
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