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Contenu de l'offre Senior Product Manager - X H/F chez EcoVadis

EcoVadis recherche …
What is our mission at CyberVadis? To provide enterprises with a cost-effective and scalable solution for third-party cybersecurity risk management.

We are an ambitious, agile and international team (located all around the world in 10 countries). Developed by EcoVadis 5 years ago (the world's most trusted provider of business sustainability ratings), we are driven by the success of our clients and have a strong background and expertise to offer the best SaaS solution.

We believe that people do their best work when they're given the freedom to thrive and grow. Thinking big, bringing a positive attitude, and taking full ownership are three characteristics that thread our team together.

Work hard, have fun and make a difference : Come join us !

At CyberVadis, we are proud to offer an innovative solution that meets the needs and wants of our customers. To help us continue to grow our offering, we're in search of an experienced product manager to lead our Product Owner's team (3 people to start with) that drives the work of a multidisciplinary and international development team (30+ developers). As an ideal candidate, you will have a keen eye for gaps in consumer product offerings and the innovative mindset to fill them. You're a highly skilled market analyst with a proven ability to strategize the full lifecycle of product production - from conception through release. You have overseen multiple stages of the product life cycle and have shipped products at scale.You may already BE a confident leader who has experience guiding cross-functional teams in the successful creation of products that improve customer experience and grow market share. You report to the COO.

Responsibilities :
Manage a team of Product Owners and UX/UI designers (4 people to start with)
Gather market intelligence to support CyberVadis vision and ensure solution developed will meet future customer needs to optimize the solution's ROI
Analyze customer needs by engaging clients and prospects at senior level and internal stakeholders
Understand current market trendsI
Assess current competitor offerings, seeking opportunities for differentiation
Contribute to developing a robust product vision
Develop strong value propositions for each targeted market segment
Develop product positioning and messaging that differentiates CyberVadis and its features across primary market segments
Translate the vision into a detailed roadmap
Analyze detailed requirements for prototype construction and final product development by engineering teams
Analyze product requirements and define and prioritize features to ensure they're successful achieved
Create product strategy documents that describe business cases, high-level use cases, technical requirements, revenue, and ROI for key initiatives
Drive the product and business-planning process across cross-functional teams of the company
Develop, implement, and maintain production timelines across multiple departments
Collaborate closely with engineering, operations, marketing, and sales teams on the development, QA, and release of products and balance of resources to ensure success for the entire organization
Represent the company in the industry and deliver thought leadership (with clients, at events, PR, etc.)

- Master's degree.
- Strong experience in a dynamic product management role in high growth environments.
- Proven experience overseeing all elements of the product development lifecycle.
- Highly effective cross-functional and international team management.
- Strong writing and editing skills.
- Fluent English (working language), mother tongue preferred.
- Cybersecurity knowledge is a plus.
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Senior Product Manager - X H/F
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