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1St Product Manager Dialog 3Founders H/F

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Contenu de l'offre 1St Product Manager Dialog 3Founders H/F chez eFounders

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Who are they? Join 3founders, part of the innovativeHexastartup studio
We partner with talented cofounders to build the next generation of web3 bricks, tools, and applications.

Who we are. We're a passionate team of builders with one goal : to create the future of web3 companies. Our hands-on experts in Product, Design, GTM, and more are eager to help founders get their startups off the ground.

Our companies :Cohort and Dialog - with more to come
Meet Dialog
Our ambition? Empower applications to leverage the power of decentralized identity to better onboard and convert their users.

In the web2 world, companies used cookies and first party data to identify, segment and engage with their users. Web3 has introduced a new way to identify users : the wallet. An increasing number of individuals are connecting to web3 applications using their wallets, which is providing companies and marketers with a new set of data, called on-chain data (such as NFTs and tokens they hold).

We believe wallet logins are the future, and Dialog provides an all-in-one engagement platform (CRM, wallet messaging, personalized push experiences) fueled by wallet analytics.

Founded by Antoine (CEO) & Louis (CTO) in May 2022, Dialog has rapidly gained traction since its 2023 launch.

As Dialog's first Product Manager, you will work side-by-side with the co-founders to shape the company's vision and bring IT to life. You will join a highly motivated team of 6 including 3 fullstack engineers and a business associate.
- Product discovery

Unlock customer pain points through research, and leverage data-driven insights to optimize conversion, engagement, and growth.
- Product strategy

Transform Dialog's vision into a strategic roadmap with actionable features, fostering a culture of data-driven decision-making and user feedback.
- Product delivery

Collaborate with the tech team to manage the backlog and ensure successful feature delivery.
- Product culture

Champion a product-driven mindset that focuses on iteration, data, and user feedback.
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1St Product Manager Dialog 3Founders H/F
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