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1St Product Manager Okko Efounders H/F

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Contenu de l'offre 1St Product Manager Okko Efounders H/F chez eFounders

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About Okko

The way employees make purchases in companies is completely broken.

Whether IT's for SaaS, hardware, services (such as consulting or marketing), or events, the average B2B purchase takes more than 60 days, requires 50+ emails, and involves many parties (IT, legal, compliance, finance, etc.).

Nobody likes this manual process; IT slows businesses down and positions the procurement function as a hindrance to progress. Finance and accounting people use ERP or P2P tools but their UX is poor and completely outdated.

We are building the go-to platform that will manage the entire purchasing process. With Okko, we are on a mission to :
Give employees (internal buyers) a single and a self-guided front-door to easily create a request
Provide procurement process managers with a no-code solution to manage approval workflows and integrate with business tools in a few clicks (e.g. Yousign for legal, Greenly for ESG, Netsuite for ERP, etc.)
Create a productive space for every stakeholders to work on purchasing project with centralized context
Create analytical dashboards to meet the growing strategic needs of procurement teams, particularly in terms of security, data privacy, and environmental issues (zero-carbon policy)

Our long-term ambition is to revolutionize B2B purchases and create a B2B purchasing experience equivalent to buying a book on Amazon !

Our long-term ambition is to create a B2B purchasing experience as easy as buying a book on Amazon

We're still very early and we count on you to raise our product & team to another level !

we're backed by Founders - startup studio, part ofHexa

We partner with talented cofounders to build the future of product-led SaaS.

We pioneered the startup studio model in 2011 and have since launched over 30 companies (7 of them have made exits) with $700M in funding and now reaching a valuation of over $5 billion - including Front, Aircall and Spendesk which recently became unicorns.

Today, over 2, 500 employees across the world work in a startup which started out as a simple mockup right here at eFounders.

Who we are. We are passionate builders with one common goal : to build the next generation of SaaS companies. We're a team of hands-on expert in Product, Design, GTM and more, ready to help founders get their startups off the ground.

Our companies : Roundtable - Elba - Dotfile - Swan - Cycle - Folk - Upflow - Yousign + many other startups and more to come

As our first Product Manager, you will BE responsible for defining and executing the product vision and roadmap.

You will work closely with Julien & Robin, the tech team, and eFounders's design team to find out the best opportunities to work on, and design the most (impactful vs easy to implement) solutions.

Your key responsibilities :
Develop & maintain a comprehensive product roadmap that aligns with company goals and objectives
Work closely with design team to ensure our product offers a superior UX - and contribute with wireframes
Collaborate with the engineering team to define & prioritize solutions, and ensure that products are delivered on time and of a high level of quality
Define business & product metrics to measure success and enable pragmatic iterations
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1St Product Manager Okko Efounders H/F
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