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Contenu de l'offre First Product Manager Cohort H/F chez eFounders

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Who are they? 3founders is a startup studio, part of Hexa
We partner with talented cofounders to build the next generation of web3 bricks, tools, and applications.

Web3 is about to power a new wave of innovation. We aim to empower companies with the fundamental tools to fully take advantage of the astounding web3 opportunities ahead of us.

Who we are. We are passionate builders with one common goal : to build the next generation of web3 companies. We're a team of hands-on expert in Product, Design, GTM and more, ready to help founders get their startups off the ground.

Our companies : Cohort and Dialog - with many more to come
Who we are
Cohort is a community-led engagement platform designed for small and medium-size brands. Our solution empowers brands and organizations to offer exclusive experiences to their customers and community. With Cohort, brands can create meaningful and rewarding relationships with their customers.

We leverage the blockchain and NFT technology to easily manage access to a rich ecosystem of perks and benefits, and to transfer value back to the community.

Cohort was co-founded in March 2022 by Séraphie and Nathan. The platform was officially launched in May with our first customers.

As Cohort's first Product Manager, you will work closely with Séraphie and Nathan, the co-founders, to help define the vision of the company and build an actionable and concrete plan to deliver towards IT
Product discovery
You will work hand-in-hand with the CEO and the business team on customer research to discover pain points and needs through qualitative insights.
You will develop a data-driven approach to understand and exploit conversion, engagement, and growth levers.
Product strategy
You will craft the product vision based on data collected from users, teammates' feedback, analysis, benchmarks, etc.
You will help turn Cohort's vision into a well-thought roadmap and set of OKRs : you will make sure that we're building the right features at the right time.
You will create detailed product writings and wireframes to turn those OKRs into actionable features.
Product delivery
You will work hand in hand with the tech team to organize the backlog and ensure the good delivery of the features.
Product culture
You will help improve our processes to grow Cohort into a product-driven company with iteration, data and user feedback at the core of our culture.
Cpf final 4

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First Product Manager Cohort H/F
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