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Contenu de l'offre St Product Manager Elba H/F chez eFounders

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Who are they? eFounders is a startup studio, part of Hexa
We partner with talented cofounders to build the future of product-led SaaS.

We pioneered the startup studio model in 2011 and have since launched over 30 companies (7 of them have made exits) with $700M in funding and now reaching a valuation of over $5 billion - including Front, Aircall and Spendesk which recently became unicorns.

Today, over 2, 500 employees across the world work in a startup which started out as a simple mockup right here at eFounders.

Who we are. We are passionate builders with one common goal : to build the next generation of SaaS companies. We're a team of hands-on expert in Product, Design, GTM and more, ready to help founders get their startups off the ground.

Our companies : Roundtable - Elba - Dotfile - Swan - Cycle - Folk - Upflow - Yousign + many other startups and more to come
About Elba
Startup studio eFounders was the first to pioneer the model in 2011 and has since launched over 30 companies (7 of them have made exits) with $700M in funding and now reaching a valuation of over $3 billion - including Aircall and Spendesk which recently became unicorns.

Elba joined eFounders to build a cutting-edge product in the cybersecurity space. Together, we want to empower employees so they can better protect themselves and their companies in the face of cyber threats. We are fully reinventing the way SMBs manage cybersecurity.

Elba was founded in 2021 by Théo Rouer (ESSEC, former VC / Data analyst at Otium (now Frst), Plug and Play, Comet), Grégoire Ostian (ESSEC, former strategy consultant at Kea) and Antoine Berton (Stanford, built 2 companies and 1st software engineer at Cajoo). First version of the product has been released in June 2022, and first customers have been onboarded.

Elba's mission : empower employees against cyber threats.

What if there were a tool that could provide employees with continuous education around cybersecurity as soon as their first day at work? What if this tool could BE enriched with security apps, effectively assisting them in spotting malicious practices?

Cybersecurity is hard, we want to make IT easy and let companies and their employees focus on what they do best. Let's tackle this tough problem together and reinvent how we think about cybersecurity at work !

Your mission
As Elba's first Product Manager, you will work closely with Théo, Antoine & Grégoire, the co-founders and Elba's tech team, composed of 6 developers.

You will help the team craft the future of cybersecurity and enlighten people to BE safe online.
Your role at Elba
Product discovery
- You will work hand-in-hand with the co-founders on customer research to discover pain points and needs through qualitative and insights.
- You will develop a data-driven approach to understand and exploit conversion, engagement, and growth levers.

Product strategy
- You will craft the product vision based on data collected from users, teammates' feedback, analysis, benchmarks, etc.
- You will help turn elba's strategy into a well-thought roadmap and set of OKRs : you will make sure that we're building the right features.

Product delivery
- You will BE responsible for the well-paced execution of delivery, by maintaining tight collaboration with engineers and designers to ensure our delivery is smooth, and our backlog is always tidy.
- You will create top-notch wireframes and write clear accompanying specs.
- You will lead QA to ensure that all features shipped are bug-free and analyze features' performance.
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St Product Manager Elba H/F
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