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Contenu de l'offre Embedded Software Test Engineer chez EVBox

Who we are:
EVBox is the leading global manufacturer of electric vehicle charging stations and charging management software. With an installed base of over 60,000 charging points including 700 fast charging points in 45 countries, EVBox drives sustainable mobility, by bringing the leading electric vehicle charging solutions to the world.

Our team based in Bordeaux is the technological leader of the booming market for fast charging terminals for electric vehicles. These unique and innovative fast chargers are being deployed throughout Europe, and are enabling the transition to electric vehicles and low-carbon transportation.

As an Embedded Software Test Engineer, you’ll be part of the development of our new and existing EVBox firmware for electronics within multiple projects. You will work on the overall product testing strategy for our embedded systems.

Responsibilities but not limited too:
Create, execute test scenarios and test plans Provide descriptions on how the firmware is tested and document the results in a clean and understandable manner Bridge between the requirements and the developments Creating software tests in various software environments (micro-controllers, embedded Linux, FreeRTOS, etc.) Describing bugs and improvements Ensuring requirements are correctly transformed into the implementation Report and document on defects to the Firmware Development team Review all software documentation to ensure technical accuracy, compliance, or completeness, or to mitigate risks Proven a minimum of 3 to 5 years of experience in the field of software testing and/or embedded software development Software testing skills Technical skills in embedded environment Knowledge of C/C++ programming, embedded Linux and embedded processor developments (preferably ST) desirable Experienced in developing test cases based on firmware and hardware requirements Do you see yourself as truly passionate about the EV industry? Do you show affinity with renewable technologies and products? Then we might be looking for you! Our growth and success are driven by the passion and dedication of everyone here in the EVBox family.
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Embedded Software Test Engineer
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