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Contenu de l'offre Test Engineer chez Garrett Advancing Motion

Designer: Be part of a team that designs, modifies, writes and implements test equipment solutions (including hardware design and/or software programs using ________ test language) You will support the development of or the investigation/analysis of issues to root cause and propose the fix, implement changes, and verify & validate the final solution You will work with Senior Engineers to turn requirements into deliverable products Lab: Be part of a team that uses test equipment and instrumentation to test product designs You will work with a cross functional team and Senior Test Engineer to test products through the development cycle You will investigate and analyze issues to root cause and propose the fix, and verify & validate the final solution An opportunity to be engaged in full product lifecycle, from inception to final product Hands on lab work to test, verify, and validate that products meet customer requirements and needs Use your creativity to develop testing concepts for a leading industry YOU MUST HAVE Bachelors degree in Engineering or Computer Science WE VALUE Experience with [list SW environments or complilers] and/or [list HW tools and environments used] Experience with [product family] equipment or other [industry] products is a plus Individuals who take the initiative to get things done, do things before being asked by others or forced to by events Individuals that assemble facts from various areas, analyze data, and provide informed recommendations Effectively using data to make intelligent decisions Multi-tasking and has the ability to manage a variety of complex tasks Some test engineering experience Experience writing and presenting ___________ [fill in blanks] Proven track record developing test [software and/or hardware]
Available Job Activities: Setup test benches and equipment Integration Test/Product Debug Verification and Validation Documentation Customer Support Requirements Design Quoting
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