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Contenu de l'offre Product Owner chez Gutenberg Technology

Product Owner

About us

Gutenberg Technology pushes the boundaries of technology in the education and corporate training industries by changing the way knowledge is built, enhanced, and shared across the globe.

With offices in Boston and Paris, Gutenberg Technology has created a robust, modular SaaS offering, MyEcontentFactory, that simplifies the digital content creation & distribution to the web, mobile, and 3rd party Learning Management Systems seamlessly.

Gutenberg Technology sells its solution worldwide in key markets including the US and across Europe and collaborates with organizations as diverse as the French Ministry of Education, Cambridge University Press, Cengage Learning, IUBH, National Geographic Learning, Zearn and many others.


In this role, you will guide and implement product market research and strategy and prioritization and coordinate work across several product initiatives. You will translate business needs into product plans that incorporate appropriate research and stakeholder input.

You will contribute directly to the company’s growth and success. This role is based in our Paris, France office and reports to the Head of Product.


Own prioritization of the product backlog, including translation of roadmap feature into feature, epic, user stories, preparing for the release or incrementation planning
Collaborate with UX team to define new user interfaces and process flows
Work with assigned engineering scrum teams to plan workflows, define user stories and acceptance criteria and review test plans
Partner with cross functional teams regularly to ensure alignment on feature development and prioritization.
Serve as the product guide/ expert for the sales team.
Set strategic direction and drive execution on roadmaps, quality, technology additions and margin improvement projects
Monitor product performance, gather user feedback and leverage data driven insights to optimize product offerings and drive customer satisfaction
Own market and user research to gain a deep understanding of customer needs, challenges and motivations as well as, market segmentation and the competitive landscapes
Balance competing priorities and the associated trade-offs
Serve as an internal and external product subject matter authority and evangelist: collect user feedback, share insights, and convey the product vision.


Experience of working on Agile/ Scrum teams Excellent organizational and time management skills
Ability to work across multiple teams and create structure in a dynamic environment
Sharp analytical and problem solving skills
Outstanding communication in French and English
Demonstrated ability to effectively collaborate across stakeholders both technical and non technical
Strong teamwork and good communicator


5 + years of product management experience
Experience with content management workflows
Solid experience and expertise in solution design process tools and methods.
Passion for product and software development with natural interest in UX/UI
Proven track record of successful delivery of scalable MVPs.
Experience in the CMS, eLearning, learning management system or human capital management domains is a plus
Strong business and technical acumen.
Software engineering experience or equivalent experience with highly technical products.

Pourquoi nous rejoindre ?

Une carte tickets resto SWILE
Mutuelle prise en charge à 100 % par l'entreprise
Mise à disposition de l’ordi de tes rêves (un Mac ... ou pas)
Accès des formations via des organismes pour monter en compétences et faire évoluer ta carrière.
Breakfast, Team buildings, Barbecue, Game Nights… Les occasions ne manquent pas pour partager une ambiance de travail “cool” et motivante!
Au pied de la station Croix de Chavaux (ligne 9), nos locaux sont spacieux avec un super Rooftop.
Convaincus des bienfaits d’un management horizontal, nous privilégions la confiance, l’écoute et la proximité au quotidien. Rejoins-nous si tu souhaites intégrer une équipe dynamique, travailler sur des projets innovants, avoir une large autonomie et des responsabilités.

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