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Data Product Manager - Marketplace Team

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Contenu de l'offre Data Product Manager - Marketplace Team chez Heetch

Paris (75) CDD, CDI ℹ️This job can be based in Paris, Brussels or Lyon.
Marketplace team @Heetch
Our team focuses on balancing the demand (passenger requests) and offer (driver availabilities) to generate growth while maintaining a highly reliable service.
It requires a lot of data work, in order to formulate hypotheses and create models which will fit the different cities we operate in. In other words, we try to build scalable and smart things to make mobility easier, for both drivers and passengers.
The 3 main topics of our team: pricing, matching, routing.
Of course, you won’t do that alone, as our fast-growing team is composed of several engineers, data scientists and another PM. Our team's goal is to make everything we can, so anyone can Heetch anytime.
Does it sound like you?
You're obsessed by the value you create for users, and not only with tiny little details. You are interested in Data Science, algorithms and mathematics. You want to impact users and don't just want to write specs. You care about reliability. Our users too You like to try out many things and,... You are ok to drop some of them. And retry… You look for space to push ideas, bootstrapping is one of your hobbies. You are ok to work with a remote team. You love to communicate your ideas to others. You speak French, so you can speak with most of our drivers.
What will you do?
Find the right problems to solve and communicate about them Organise the brainstorming to find solutions with the team and relevant stakeholders Collaborate with stakeholders to provide them with relevant market insights Collaborate with stakeholders to get valuable insights Contribute to timely delivery Monitor key KPIs to evaluate priorities and ensure the team has a positive impact
What will be your main challenges?
Contribute to improving our marketplace and company vision Help to scale and grow in emerging countries Educate people on our challenges, and results, so they continue to love us Maintain a high level of happiness in the team Heetch embraces diversity and equal opportunity for everyone We provide a safe and inclusive work environment. We are committed to building a team that represents a variety of backgrounds, perspectives, and skills. For non-European citizens, a valid working visa for France is required to be eligible for the role.
Heetch SAS is collecting your personal data (identity, contact details, academic background, professional experience and optionally a covering letter) for the processing of your application to our job offer, based on your consent. Your personal data will only be accessible to our hiring team, our co-founders, and the manager of the position you are applying to. In addition, data are stored by our processor in order to use its applications tracking system. Your data may be stored outside of the EU/EEA but are protected by appropriated safeguards. Your data are stored for a maximum duration of two years. If we do not reply to your application, you allow us to store your data during this term in order to potentially contact you for another position within our company or affiliates and subsidiaries. You have a right to access to your data, to rectify them, under some conditions to erase them, and to limit the processing. Also, you have a right of portability on your data. In addition, you may revoke your consent and we shall stop processing your data. Eventually, you have a right to define directives about the fate of your data if your death should occur. For more information about your rights, please see our privacy policy.
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Data Product Manager - Marketplace Team
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