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Senior Product Manager - Payments

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Contenu de l'offre Senior Product Manager - Payments chez Heetch

Senior Product Manager - Payments

About Us

Heetch is the only ride-hailing app aiming to make mobility more inclusive. We are committed to a fairer mobility with the lowest commission on the market, and we pay our taxes in France

We offer a professional, high-quality service everywhere we operate and embody a joyful, optimistic and culturally relevant vision. We truly believe that no-one should be left behind and maintain a balance between inclusive prices for passengers and sufficient revenues for drivers

As of 2022, we operate in France, Belgium, Angola, Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Senegal, Ivory Coast, Democratic Republic of Congo and many more to come!

Come join our ambitious team, committed to changing the market for good

What will be your role?

As a Senior Product Manager at Heetch, you will work closely with our Engineers, Product Designers and Data Analysts and Scientists to deliver great projects

You main missions will be:

- Re-shape and scale our Money platform to make it more efficient and reliable

- Develop and lead the Product vision and strategy for the Money Platform

- Partner with local PSPs to provide the most relevant passenger payment methods in Europe and Africa

- Protect Heetch from Card and Cash payment risks

- Contribute to the day-to-day workflow of your team (this isn't a way to say "baby-sitting devs", we don't do that)

- Maintain close contact with stakeholders that'll inform you on short and long-term goals

- Interact with our users to understand their problems and motivations

- From user knowledge to key metrics and competition intelligence, regularly generate insights that will inform our product strategy

- Build & nurture your product vision and turn into a well-thought product strategy and roadmap. Make sure that we’re building the right features

- Collaborate with other PM’s and Engineering Managers to shape our workflows & ways of working

- Work closely with our CPO to set out the vision for our product

Does it sound like you?

- Senior level experience working within Agile/Scrum development cycle, building and delivering high quality software on time

- You have full working proficiency in French (for occasions such as user interviews) and English

- You have an engineering mindset and you think in terms of building things to last

- You're capable of building a product vision and developing a strategy within the payments environment

- You want to get involved in the decision-making process, from technical discussions to business ones

- Getting things out in the open is your most important driver

- You have experience working in cross-functional teams and have already shipped some stuff of your own

- You are good at communicating plans and concepts to stakeholders at all levels, adjusting to your audience

- You have that obsession of making the unclear clear in an environment where everything changes every day

- You have strong organisation skills and excellent project management capabilities

It's a plus if

- You already know the ride-sharing market.

- You've previously worked with big PSP such as Adyen or Stripe

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Senior Product Manager - Payments
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