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Contenu de l'offre Director of Product Management chez

Description du poste
We're looking for a candidate to fill this position in an exciting company. Manage, motivate, unite your team composed of Product Managers, a Design Engineer, and a Designer,​ Endorse responsibility for defining and implementing our products lines life cycle, in tune with the expectations of the market, end users, and our commercial objectives, Build and implement actions aimed at optimizing development cycles, shortening products time to market, rationalizing ranges, and references, while strengthening our continuous improvement and innovation approach, Work closely with all stakeholders in all phases of product development and manufacturing, Collaborate closely with all the company's departments and Directors, and specially the marketing and sales departments, in France and abroad, Provide support to enhance product offering to customers, end users and sales teams, Conduct and analyse competitive business intelligence and identify development opportunities in new market segments, Ensure regular reporting of your activity. Graduated from a higher education (Engineer, Business School, University), you have a substantial proven track record for at least 10 years, in a similar position in the "Eyewear" and eye protection business, in France or abroad. You are passionate about product development, and you have ideally worked for premium and high-profile brands. You master the Office tools and the environment of an ERP. You are fluent in English and are used to working in an international environment. Your soft skills will make a difference: interpersonal skills, excellent oral and written communication, leadership, ability to motivate, federate and convince, analytical and synthetic, rigorous, able to prioritise and organise, ability to open, propose and change the vantage point, able to break the new.
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Director of Product Management
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1er Site de recherche d'emplois dédié aux professionnels du marketing de la communication et du digital, a pour objectif de vous offrir le meilleur outil de recherche pour vous accompagner, au mieux, dans votre démarche de recherche d'emploi

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