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Contenu de l'offre Technical Product Manager chez Hill-Rom

Technical Product Manager - 18124513
JOB SUMMARY: The Technical Product Manager is the representative of field service working with R&D for each technology launch. He is responsible for developing, implementing, evaluating and improving all aspects of technical support of assigned products. This responsibility extends from the development of a new product through the removal of the product from the market. Focuses on such issues as product design for serviceability and reliability, servicing, and maintenance of products in the field, new product launches, product modification, and cost to serve.
ESSENTIAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: – Other duties may be assigned:
New Product Development Core Team Member PDP/NPD process providing service plans, serviceability review, design review and phase documentation sign-off (Ensure that all aspects that impact the ability to service new products are completed and the service organization is prepared to manage new products to support a flawless phase-in of new technology in the field). Identifies service requirements in close cooperation with the relevant stakeholders in the field. Organize reviews with Service management and Service teams to identify Service needs and make sure they are taken into account during PDP/NPD process. Review, evaluate and modify product service requirements and manage to get them included in product DRS (Design Requirement Specifications). Providing technical and service operations guidance, support and training to Field Service, Technical Support, business unit and shared services personnel. Coordinate, communicate and manage new product launches. Teams up with the other Technical Product Managers from the other business units and other regions to establish a common way of working and alignment of cross BU technology solutions (commonality in serviceability). Will frequently execute service and rental activities in the field to maintain the operational knowledge and a strong connection to the field. Emphasizes on serviceability from all perspectives: easy to do service, commonality in parts/tools, faultfinding, training of employees, remote services, etc.
Expertise on Service documentation: Maintenance & review of service manuals. Participate on Engineering Change Notice Review and approval committees. Develop work instructions for field installation and maintenance of products.
Service Tools: Define and validate specifications for new tools/service solutions Develop relevant work instructions for field usage. Coordinate tools and associated deployment process /work instruction development with R&D, IT and Spare Part teams as applicable.
Spare Parts Work with Spare Parts Catalog Manager to define relevant spare parts and kits to maintain the products
Support the field: Providing technical expertise related to products. Escalation responsibility to Tech Support, Field Technicians, and customers providing troubleshooting, parts identification and Engineering Change Notice. Be involved in Sustaining Engineering change release process (QS00072) and part of Engineering Change Board to review sustaining engineering changes and make sure other relevant colleagues/TPM’s input is part of the change and all are in agreement of it as it is written (work closely with Design Assurance, Regulatory and Codes and Standards). Assist with field audit/investigations.
EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE: Bachelor’s degree or equivalent combination of education and experience. Excellent knowledge of Service Organization, Operations and processes Experience of project management across functional groups Extensive knowledge of Hill-Rom's SOP's on product design and development is a plus

QUALIFICATIONS AND SKILLS: Understanding of project management phases Demonstrates good collaboration skills and techniques and actively participates in cross functional groups to solve problems. Demonstrates good inter-personal skills and negotiating skills.
Job: Technical Service
Primary Location: France-Pluvigner
Schedule: Full-time
Travel: No
Posting Entity: Hill-Rom
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