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Contenu de l'offre Software Engineer In Tests H/F chez Incepto Medical

Incepto Medical recherche …
À propos

What we do :
We co-create and distribute AI applications for medical imaging - bridging the gap between Physicians and Engineers.

Why we do IT :
With more and more data, medical imaging is becoming more and more complex. We use Artificial Intelligence technology to transform medical imaging. This is a fantastic opportunity to empower physicians, saving them time, bringing them closer to their patients, and helping most of the population get access to the best modern care.

How we do IT :
A journey is not only about what we do but also about how we do and look at things. We place our values at the heart of our work.
Centered on customer needs, the foundations of our unique team are :
Sharing, Expertise, Passion & Humility, Integrity

Descriptif du poste


Testing is an essential part of a software. This is all the more true in the case of medical software where testing is critical to patient safety. Our testing team is at a crossroads of several fieds : business, clinical and technical.

At Incepto, the Software Engineer in Tests does not execute manual tests but builds generic and scalable tests automation softwares. He/she is deeply involved in the software design and development process from the very beginning of the product lifecycle.

As a Software Engineer in Tests, after an overview of our products and medical devices, you will participate in different phases of development, from determining the test approach and procedure to troubleshoot and report errors.
You will BE an active contributing member of our overall software product development and releases by formalizing testing strategies and joining forces with software engineers to deliver high quality features.
You will collaborate with other members of the tests team to improve the scalability and maintainability of the testing workflows.
You will share your test expertise to the rest of the team and BE a solid advocate for quality.

- Design the architecture of software testing systems.
- Discuss with engineers and product managers for writing specifications and tests.
- Develop tests in (Python, Java...) that will run in the cloud for AI solutions, web applications and other in-house software.
- Interact with cloud technologies to launch, monitor, and debug tests (Kubernetes, GKE, AWS, etc.).
- Write tests plans and strategies documents to explain the behaviour of the testing systems.
- Use best development practices from software development guidelines to continuous integration (GitHub actions, Cloudbuild, etc.).

Profil recherché

Minimum qualifications
- Bachelor's degree in Computer Science or related field.
- 1 year of experience in programming and developing test methodologies.
- Proficient in Python.
- Experience with testing frameworks.
- Experience in functional & performance testing.

Preferred qualifications
- Experience working with Docker and Kubernetes.
- Experience building robust tests automation systems.
- Ability to work with cross-functional teams in an agile environment.
- Experience designing, testing, delivering, and monitoring software in a cloud computing environment.

Process de recrutement

2 to 3 interviews. Hiring process closed in a few days.

Informations complémentaires
- Type de contrat :CDI.
- Lieu :Paris, France (75008).
- Niveau d'études :Bac +5 / Master.
- Expérience :> 1 an.
- Télétravail partiel possible.

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