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Contenu de l'offre Product Marketing Manager chez INSEAD

Product Marketing Manager

INSEAD brings together people, cultures, and ideas from around the world to educate leaders who transform business and society. As a mission-driven school, INSEAD focuses on three values: open, rigorous, and entrepreneurial. Founded on a commitment to innovation in management education, INSEAD was the first international business school, introduced the first one-year MBA, pioneered company specific executive education, and has developed a unique fully integrated multi-continent campus structure. Today, no more than 10% of the incoming MBA class comes from one country – we truly are the Business School for the World.

We are currently looking for a Product Marketing Manager in the Marketing & Recruitment department. This is a permanent and full-time position, based on our Europe Campus in Fontainebleau.

The Product Marketing Manager is responsible for the implementation of the Executive Education marketing strategy to promote a portfolio of Open Online Enrolment programmes globally and to drive sales and strengthen the brand awareness of INSEAD’s Executive Development Programmes and offerings. The job holder will work closely with the CMO, Associate Director, and Senior Product Marketing Manager.

Main responsibilities will include:

Marketing Planning and Execution

Responsible for developing, executing, and implementing marketing plans and campaigns to ensure a healthy lead pipeline to the target audience to support the revenue growth for an allocated portfolio of Open Online programmes.
Build relevant thought leadership content to help grow brand awareness for their allocated portfolio.
Develop and align customers’ journeys with relevant content, campaigns, activities, and initiatives and ensure that cross-functional teams are aligned to this.

Programme Management

Refine, clarify, and articulate compelling marketing messages for the allocated portfolio of programmes.
Develop research, key analytics, and provide insights into the strategic development of their Open Online programme portfolio.

Management of Marketing Channels

Manage and build strong relationships with key agencies to drive leads growth and build brand collaterals.
Coordinate activities across key communications and marketing channels, including Online advertising campaigns, Google Search Engines Optimization (SEO) & Google AdWords campaigns (SEM), Direct Marketing campaigns, Social media platforms, Marketing collaterals, Web, Videos, and other multimedia tools, Podcasts, Webinars, Events.
Provide in-depth insights and analytics of the performance of the channels to inform investment and other decisions.

The successful candidate should have the following profile:

Bachelor’s degree or equivalent, preferably in Marketing, Communications or Business
At least 5 years of relevant work experience including a minimum of 2 years in a marketing/communications/branding role
Ability to collaborate cross-functionally with people from different levels in an organization
Excellent interpersonal and communication skills with a strong ability to communicate and engage with a wide range of stakeholders and clearly articulate information
Experience in managing digital marketing or omni-channel campaigns
Innovative mindset, with the capability to identify key trends in the market and articulate/communicate these accordingly
Result driven with excellent organizational skills

Would you like to work in our dynamic multicultural environment? Please apply with your resume and cover letter in English at

Kindly note that only shortlisted candidates will be notified.

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