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Contenu de l'offre Senior Product Manager chez Kinetix

Senior Product Manager

At Kinetix Product is key. Our vision is to humanize the Metaverse by enabling self-expression & 3D UGC in virtual worlds. To do so, we are developing 4 product bricks: a no-code 3D animation studio, an NFT marketplace to trade 3D emotes, a game plugin for self-expression in the metaverse and our website to showcase our identity and guide developers. The Business team is looking for a top-notch Senior Product Manager to:

Build a forward thinking, unified product vision that is aligned to our overall company strategy, working closely with leadership and getting buy-in from team members. Disseminate that product vision internally.
Manage and unify our multi-product strategy
Build and drive the Product roadmap in an iterative approach
Work cross-functionally and collaboratively with design, engineering, and other stakeholders; constantly improving our agile product development process
Collaborate with various internal (development and AI teams) and external stakeholders (partners) of Kinetix product
Live and breathe the user experience, growing empathy of all of our users and customers; be their representative internally across the company and infuse product strategy with this insight
Create well thought out product briefs and ensure sound product development processes
If in doubt, please apply! Studies show that women and people belonging to minority groups are less likely to apply to jobs when they do not meet all the qualifications, especially in the tech field.

At Kinetix, we are building a diverse and inclusive workplace. If you’re excited about this job position, we encourage you to apply even though you might not match each requirement.

This job description is a framework of requirements, so take it as a guide. You may be the right candidate for this or another role, and we look forward to receiving your applications.

You have the ideal profile if:

You have +5 years experience managing technological products in a in a fast paced, fast growing startup environment
You easily adapt to complexity and product evolutions
You have a proven track record of a developing a product strategy and successfully seeing it through from beginning to end, including launching products 0-1
You are curious, collaborative, open-minded and autonomous
You are flexible and pragmatic
You are analytical and rigorous
You have an excellent level of English
Cherry on the cake for us if:

You have a technical background (engineering or developer) and can anticipate technical bottlenecks
You are passionate about the gaming and animation industry
You have web3 (NFTs, Tokenomics ...) experience

First call with CEO to validate fit, skills and motivation
Second call with the CTO and Head of Engineering to validate fit and skills
Third call with the VP of Integration and/or Head of Operations to validate fit
Last round: gaming session with team members to validate gaming skills

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Senior Product Manager
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