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Contenu de l'offre Product Manager H/F chez Konekt

Konekt recherche …
Description de l'emploi
Our client is the price management platform, based on artificial intelligence technologies. IT allows companies to manage and optimize their pricing strategy continuously.
Descriptif du poste
Job description
- Manage our product roadmap and identify the strategic challenges of the product in the short, medium and long term
- Collect, synthesize and analyze the feedback of users of our solution,
- Identify the problems to which the product is addressed, the solutions and the characteristics which respond and which prioritize the development work
- Produce models and write functional briefs for each feature
- Defines and follows the appropriate KPIs to measure the impact of each functionality and product performance
- Facilitate relationships and synthesize product advances with all internal stakeholders (tech, operational teams, management, etc.) and external stakeholders (customers and users)
- Manage and participate in the growth of the product team
Profil recherché
Preferred experience
- Excellent communication and teamwork skills
- Data-driven, ability to synthesize information and assess risks vs. rewards to make quick decisions
- Experience in product management, preferably on BtoB products and / or having a strong data dimension
- Work experiences with various profiles (management, operational, developers, data scientists, designers, corporate clients, end users).
- Strong appetite for tech and data subjects
- Interest in UX / UI issues, and ideally, mastery of prototyping tools (Sketch, Invision, etc. or equivalent)
- Good knowledge of the agile method
Cpf final 4

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Product Manager H/F
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