Offres d'emplois Conception & Gestion de Projet

Junior Digital Project Manager - Stage

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Contenu de l'offre Junior Digital Project Manager - Stage chez Landor

We are hiring our next Junior Digital Project Manager intern/apprentice for the Paris Office. Could this be you?

Let us tell you more….

You will oversee the project management and digital project framing missions. Your main tasks will include:

Coordinate projects with all creative and technical stakeholders (internal and external): from framing to production Collaborate with the Digital Director to develop offers related to new uses of Digital (WebGL/AR/VR/Gaming…) Establish specifications, mockups, and technical specificities Unsure the respect of deadlines and budgets Design and production follow up Writing briefs and reports Collection of needs and management of schedules

So, what are we looking for?

Master 1, Master 2 with specialisation in digital marketing, online product management or branding. Would you like to see how it is to evolve in an international & fast-paced environment?

You have:

real organisational skills and rigour and are project-oriented. a good mastery of English skills with Office tools and the Mac interface agency experience if possible

You are autonomous, curious, dynamic, and proactive. You show a real interest in marketing, storytelling, media and communication, agency life and brand strategy.

You will blossom in a kind and energetic environment where freedom of speech and initiative prevail and where "bullshit" and politics are "persona non-grata".

You are looking for a 6-month internship or an apprenticeship and are available immediately.

And what about LANDOR & FITCH?

Our ambition is to deliver extraordinary brand transformation for our clients, by design.

With Landor's brand consulting and strategic design capability, FITCH's experience design and retail consultancy, and ManvsMachine's leading edge motion design, we are the largest specialist brand and design group in the world. We are a team of over 1100+ curious minds, with 43 offices across 19 countries, working as one, to create extraordinary brand experiences.

The LANDOR & FITCH Group is part of WPP, a creative transformation company.

Sound like the role for you? Apply now!

If you think this is you, express your interest and apply. To learn more about Landor and why you need to join us, click here…

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Junior Digital Project Manager - Stage
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