Offres d'emplois Conception & Gestion de Projet

Intern - Product Manager Assistant

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Contenu de l'offre Intern - Product Manager Assistant chez

Paris (75) Stage Job Description

We are looking for a Product Manager Assistant.

Part of the Holidays department on the French market, you will support and collaborate with the Product Manager on your destinations portfolio in order to guarantee the best offers presentation, to coordinate the exchanges and information needs from the different departments (Bookings, Customer Service…), to check the management of products, stocks and prices positioning.

Key Responsibilities

1 – Creating packaged products.

Structure and develop products in agreement with our policy and guidelines:

Collect necessary elements (transport, hotel contract, description…)

Determine prices and apply the margin policy

Select and regularly update the special offers

2 – Manage and follow-up the product commercialization

Analyze the performance of your destinations portfolio, guarantee a follow-up of sales and their reporting

Collaborate with remote teams abroad in order to showcase our offers and optimize the revenue per destination

Follow-up negotiations and, if necessary, negotiate with our partners

Manage products : stocks management, prices positioning control (benchmarking, price-product-promotion positioning)

Manage products margins

Manage certified products

Follow-up marketing operations in collaboration with the E-Merchandising team

Provide key data related to priority products (stop sales, highlights, incentives…)

Transmission des informations clés liées aux produits prioritaires (fermeture, promotion, incentive…)

3 – Ad hoc Missions

Support sales teams thanks to a good communication and transmission of the elements related to your customers’ products and requests

Manage travels itinerary modifications in collaboration with bookings department and partners

Punctual missions with the Customer Care department by analyzing the customers feedbacks and identifying the potential improvement leads

Follow up the billing with the Finance department

Support the Project team while developing and improving production tools


Higher degree in Business and/or Tourism

Good mastery of the Microsoft Office softwares - esp. Excel (formula, pivot tables…)

The extensive knowledge of the tourism industry would be appreciated

Proficiency in English is a must-have, Spanish would be a plus

Proactive, team spirit and meticulous

Analytical mind and strategic approach

Additional Information

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Intern - Product Manager Assistant
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